Happy Friday, everyone!
I enjoyed learning about a lot of things today, even if it was a grind. It feels great to be productive.
Next.js is such an interesting framework to learn about! It performs really well on production and also comes with a lot of quality-of-life features built-in. I most likely will use Next.js for most of my projects from here on, because it has amazing performance and SEO benefits.
Anyway, let's move on to my daily report!
I was working on my company website, and I finished a temporary, prototype banner for it.
Here are the things I learned and worked on today:
- I learned about the next-seo package.
- next-seo makes SEO configuration a lot easier with its built-in components:
<NextSeo />
- allows you to change various meta tag values that is usually in<Head />
<DefaultSeo />
- it enables you to set default SEO properties that affect all pages. It can be overridden by<NextSeo />
- kind of random, but it seems
<Container />
in Next.js is deprecated.
- I wrote some user stories and tasks for my company website.
- I did some practice flashcards for Scrum.
Thank you for reading! Have a good day.
Resources/Recommended Readings
- next-seo | Github
- Official Next.js tutorial
- Scrum and XP from the Trenches.
- The 2020 Scrum Guide
- Mikhail Lapshin's Scrum Quizzes
This is not a guide, it is just me sharing my experiences and learnings. This post only expresses my thoughts and opinions (based on my limited knowledge) and is in no way a substitute for actual references. If I ever make a mistake or if you disagree, I would appreciate corrections in the comments!
Other Media
Feel free to reach out to me in other media!
Top comments (8)
Hahaha the cover image is very funny.
Now I am thinking of learning nextjs... Do you think I need some knowledge before starting?
I think it would be best if you learned React first.
Some API, Node.js, and backend knowledge would be nice but not really required if you're just going to use it for the frontend.
Also, I'm sad the thumbnail cuts off at a weird part for the cover image.
Thank you very much for your recommendations.
I am excited about the idea of becoming a full stack developer so everything works great for me.
Have a good day!
You're welcome! What have you learned so far in your web development journey?
I have mainly learned HTML, Css, JavaScript, and React.
Currently I am learning a little more about React hooks and starting to learn backend with nodejs and express although I am also interested in Nextjs.
Any recommendation?
How did you carry out your full stack web development learning?
I learned from The Odin Project. It's free and a really good resource for learning full-stack Web development.
You are required to read learning resources, solve exercises, and build projects for each concept you learn.
Wow I had never heard of him 😱 thank you very much for the recommendation.
I will try to start it tomorrow to have a way forward.
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