Given the sum and greatest common divisor of two numbers, return those two numbers in ascending order. If the numbers do not exist, return -1 or your language's equivalent.
Given sum = 12 and gcd = 4...
solve(12,4) = [4,8]. The two numbers 4 and 8 sum to 12 and have a gcd of 4.
solve(12,5) = -1. No two numbers exist that sum to 12 and have gcd of 5.
solve(10,2) = [2,8]. Note that [4,6] is also a possibility but we pick the one with the lower first element: 2 < 4, so we take [2,8].
Good luck!
This challenge comes from KenKamau on CodeWars. Thank you to CodeWars, who has licensed redistribution of this challenge under the 2-Clause BSD License!
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Top comments (3)
If there is a combination, minimum number = gcd itself, the other number = sum - gcd
Well spotted!
Here is my simple solution with Python: