Originally published at Perl Weekly 649
Hi there!
I am not big on New Year celebrations so I went to sleep at 11 pm to be ready today as the first action of the new year to prepare and send out the Perl Weekly Newsletter.
We were woken up at midnight by the air-raid sirens (now apparently called civil defense sirens, not to be confused with the mythological sirens.) The Palestinians were shooting rockets at us reminding us that it is still more important for them to try to kill us than to protect and feed their own children. What they certainly don't need to remind us is that there are still more than 100 Israelis kidnapped in Gaza. Among them children, young women, and elderly people.
I know some people on this list don't like when I write about 'politics' and even write me emails complaining. Our soldiers, some of whom are fellow hi-tech employees, are literally sacrificing their life in order to protect me, protect us. I think I have the moral duty to use every platform I have to remind people we have this war to bring the kidnapped home and to end the constant rocket fire on our borders. I also feel strongly that I need to thank the people who put themselves in grave danger to allow us to live a normal life. Frankly, I don't know how can I ever repay them.
Some other readers complain about Mohammad using religious references. Well, each one and his 'flaws'.
To everyone else, let me use a Perlish expression, (finally some Perl content in this editorial!) bless $you;.
I wish by the end of 2024 we will be able to say that it was a much better year than 2023!
Enjoy your year!
Your editor: Gabor Szabo.
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Equal Match
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(C) Copyright Gabor Szabo
The articles are copyright the respective authors.
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