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Robert Mion
Robert Mion

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A Maze of Twisty Trampolines, All Alike

Advent of Code 2017 Day 5

Part 1

  1. This seems very familiar...
  2. Writing my working algorithm

This seems very familiar...

  • Jumps? Been there, done that!
  • Terminate when outside the list boundary? Ditto!
  • Increment the current instruction's value by 1 before jumping? That's a fun twist!

Writing my working algorithm

Split the input at each newline character into an array of strings
  Coerce each string to a number
Set pointer to 0
Set steps to 0
Do as long as pointer references an index within the bounds of the array of jumps
  Save the number of the current jump instruction
  Increment that number by 1
  Update pointer to the sum of pointer and the prior number of the current jump instruction
  Increment steps by 1
Return steps
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In JavaScript, I wrote this concise program:

let jumps = input.split('\n').map(Number)
const part1 = () => {
  let pointer = 0, steps = 0
  while (pointer >= 0 && pointer < jumps.length) {
    pointer += jumps[pointer]++
  return steps
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Running on both the example input and my puzzle input generated the expected and correct answers!

Part 2

  1. The twist is...not that difficult
  2. Updating my working algorithm

The twist is...not that difficult

It seems like I'll now need a condition when updating the value at pointer before updating pointer.

Updating my working algorithm

Split the input at each newline character into an array of strings
  Coerce each string to a number
Set pointer to 0
Set steps to 0
Do as long as pointer references an index within the bounds of the array of jumps
  Save the number of the current jump instruction
  If that number is 3 or more
    Decrement that number by 1
    Increment that number by 1
  Update pointer to the sum of pointer and the prior number of the current jump instruction
  Increment steps by 1
Return steps
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Running on the example input generated the wrong answer!

What's happening?

Oh...I see:

  • I mistakenly put my statement that generated the list of jumps outside each of my part1 and part2 functions
  • So, my part2 function was operating on a pre-processed list of jumps
  • Silly me...but also not the first time that's happened

After moving that statement into each function and re-running:

  • Running on both the example input and my puzzle input generated the expected and correct answers!

In JavaScript, I wrote this nearly identical, concise program:

const part2 = () => {
  let jumps = input.split('\n').map(Number)
  let pointer = 0, steps = 0
  while (pointer >= 0 && pointer < jumps.length) {
    pointer += jumps[pointer] >= 3 ? jumps[pointer]-- : jumps[pointer]++
  return steps
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

I did it!!

  • I solved both parts!
  • I implemented my Part 1 algorithm exactly as outlined in pseudocode in this article, which made writing it feel super easy!
  • I was surprisingly disappointed - and perhaps grateful? - by the lack of difficulty of Part 2 relative to Part 1!
  • I'm now two stars away from matching my personal best star score for a given year!

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