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Cover image for Weekly Digest 07/2022
Marco Biedermann
Marco Biedermann

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Weekly Digest 07/2022

Welcome to my Weekly Digest #7 of this year.

This weekly digest contains a lot of interesting and inspiring articles, videos, tweets, podcasts, and designs I consumed during this week.

Interesting articles to read

The State of JS 2021

The 2021 edition of the annual survey about the latest trends in the JavaScript ecosystem.

The State of JS 2021

Teaching AI to Generate New Pokemon

Pokemon was first created in 1996. In the twenty years, it has become one of the most recognizable franchises in the world. Yet, after all that, there are still only a total of 893 unique Pokemon. With AI, we can change that.

Teaching AI to Generate New Pokemon

Getting Started With the File System Access API

The File System Access API is a web API that allows read and write access to a user’s local files. It unlocks new capabilities to build powerful web applications, such as text editors or IDE
s, image editing tools, improved import/export, all in the frontend. Let’s look into how to get started using this API.

Getting Started With the File System Access API | CSS-Tricks

Some great videos I watched this week

Catching specific errors in JavaScript

How do you know which error you are catching in JavaScript? Here we look at how to differentiate between different types of errors so your application can recover.

by Leigh Halliday

Lua in 100 Seconds

Lua is a lightweight dynamic scripting language often embedded into other programs like World of Warcraft and Roblox. Its minimal syntax makes it easier to learn than Python, while being much more performant than other interpreted languages.

by Fireship

Mastering React Context: Do you NEED a state manager?

Context in React is a super valuable tool, but can it replace a state manager? Let's find out!

by Jack Herrington

7 ways to deal with CSS

Top 7 ways to write CSS code in a React or Next.js app. Learn the tradeoffs between different tools like CSS Modules, CSS-in-JS, Sass, Tailwind, Bootstrap, component libraries, and more.

by Fireship

Useful GitHub repositories


Never ever ever use pixelation as a redaction technique

GitHub logo BishopFox / unredacter

Never ever ever use pixelation as a redaction technique


Shows you why you should never ever ever use pixelation as a redaction technique.

wow such secrets

How to Try it Out

Install the dependencies:

npm install

Then start with

npm start

That's it.

How to Crack Your Own Pixelated Image

This is a bit manual and not at all streamlined. I think you'll see why. If someone feels like taking a shot at making this process more in-app, I'm all ears. What do I look like, an Electron developer? But yea here it is:

  1. Crop your image down to just the pixelated area. No borders, no other text. Replace secret.png with that. I recommend doing it in GiMP.

  2. Make note of the block size. (It's just size of each pixelated block) Replace blockSize in the code with that.

  3. Get the CSS just right. This is the hardest and most time-consuming part. Try entering it into test.html and view it in Chrome…


KeyCastr, an open-source keystroke visualizer

GitHub logo keycastr / keycastr

KeyCastr, an open-source keystroke visualizer


KeyCastr, an open-source keystroke visualizer.


display preferences


Installation via homebrew cask

brew install --cask keycastr
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Enabling Accessibility API Access

KeyCastr requires access to the macOS Accessibility API in order to receive your key events and broadcast the keystrokes you are interested in.

On newer versions of macOS (10.15+) there is a new Input Monitoring menu under Security & Privacy within the System Preferences app, and KeyCastr will appear there automatically the first time you run it. Simply unlock this menu and check the box next to KeyCastr to enable it.


On older versions of macOS, or if for some reason the app doesn't appear under the Input Monitoring menu (or if you want to pre-enable it) then you may manually add it to the list of apps in the Accessibility menu.


To add KeyCastr to the list click the + button and select KeyCastr from the file…


Record and replay the web

GitHub logo rrweb-io / rrweb

record and replay the web

Try rrweb


The rrweb documentary (in Chinese, with English subtitles)

Join the chat at slack Twitter Follow total gzip size recorder gzip size


I have joined Github Sponsors and highly appreciate your sponsorship.

rrweb refers to 'record and replay the web', which is a tool for recording and replaying users' interactions on the web.


📚 Read the rrweb guide here. 📚

🍳 Recipes 🍳

Project Structure

rrweb is mainly composed of 3 parts:

  • rrweb-snapshot, including both snapshot and rebuilding features. The snapshot is used to convert the DOM and its state into a serializable data structure with a unique identifier; the rebuilding feature is to rebuild the snapshot into corresponding DOM.
  • rrweb, including two functions, record and replay. The record function is used to record all the mutations in the DOM; the replay is to replay the recorded mutations one by one according to the corresponding timestamp.
  • rrweb-player, is a player UI for rrweb, providing GUI-based functions…

dribbble shots

Betting Platform

by [uixNinja](

by uixNinja

*Blitz Agency Mobile*

by [Halo Mobile](

by Halo Mobile

Mobile app: podcast

by [JrufitUX](

by JrufitUX


Picked Pens

one div pixel pizza

by Mina

Blooming flowers with falling leaves

by Md Usman Ansari

Almost before we knew it

by Ryan Mulligan

Podcasts worth listening

Syntax – Code Explorers

In this Hasty Treat, Scott and Wes talk about how best to explore and contribute to code on GitHub repos.

CodePen Radio – *With Adam Argyle*

Chris grabbed Adam intending to chat about all sorts of CSS stuff and his work at Google and on VisBug. But then they chatted pretty much the entire time about color and what’s coming there to the web platform.

Thank you for reading, talk to you next week, and stay safe! 👋

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