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OpenAI: 10 Minute Docs Audit

OpenAI is an artificial intelligence toolkit for software developers. Software engineers can use OpenAI to create chatbots, content generation, and so much more.

I run a technical documentation business specializing in writing and editing documentation. I made this series to share my insights and help projects craft impactful documentation.

What's The Criteria?
3- Excellent
2 - OK
1 - Poor

Purposeful: Does the QuickStart explain what problem it's trying to solve? Who is the intended audience?

UX Experience: How seamless is the experience? Must the user create an account to get through the Quickstart? Does the Quickstart elicit a sense of joy and achievement?

Accurate: Are the instructions correct? Are they complete?

The Results

Quick confession. This is not my first time using OpenAI's API. Since 2022, I've built 3 OpenAI applications. But that being said, it's not like I use the framework every day.

OpenAI was delightful to use. The instructions are clear and accurate. And as a bonus, all of the prerequisite code is in the QuickStart. No need to go to the Python documentation to figure out how to get a virtual env up and running.

If you're interested in quickly getting started with AI development, OpenAI's docs deliver.

Purposeful 2.5
UX Experience 3
Accurate 2.5

Are you interested in a FREE Quickstart audit for your company? Start here.

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