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Astro: 10 Minute Docs Audit

Astro is a front-end framework. It hasn't been around for a long time, but Astro has a very dedicated community. Astro also puts a special focus on developer documentation and education.

What's The Criteria?

3- Excellent
2 - OK
1 - Poor

Purposeful: Does the QuickStart explain what problem it's trying to solve? Who is the intended audience?

UX Experience: How seamless is the experience? Must the user create an account to get through the Quickstart? Does the Quickstart elicit a sense of joy and achievement?

Accurate: Are the instructions correct? Are they complete?

The Results

It took me a little over 6 minutes to create a working app, and I had some spare time to tinker with the code base. I was skeptical about launching the Hello World app in the browser, but it turned out to be a good and satisfying experience. That being said, it wasn't obvious how I could fork or download the code base.

Finally, what the heck is the .astro extension all about? What exactly is a component island? In layperson's terms, what does it mean to have zero JS runtime overhead? Astro threw a bunch of concepts at the reader without entirely unpacking them in a way that the user can get on board with Astro's feature set. Astro was snappy and fast, but was that because of the Zero JS, the component islands, or the astro extension?

Purposeful 2
UX Experience 2.5
Accurate 3

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