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Markdoc: 10 Minute Docs Audit

Markdoc is a content authoring tool, creating by Stripe. Markdoc is open-source and natively integrates with Next.js and React.

I run a technical documentation business specializing in writing and editing documentation. I made this series to share my insights and help projects craft impactful documentation.

What's The Criteria?
3- Excellent
2 - OK
1 - Poor

Purposeful: Does the QuickStart explain what problem it's trying to solve? Who is the intended audience?

UX Experience: How seamless is the experience? Must the user create an account to get through the Quickstart? Does the Quickstart elicit a sense of joy and achievement?

Accurate: Are the instructions correct? Are they complete?

The Results

Not going to lie. I was expecting great things from Markdoc and came away from this review disappointed. The landing page implies that Markdoc is for everyone, but it doesn't take long for the docs to get into the weeds of JavaScript transpilers and setext headings. 🤯

I just wanted to get a CMS running by lunchtime so I can spend the rest of the week focusing on content. I don't have the brain power to ponder the the pros and cons of Markdoc's tag system vs MDX.

I'm sure Markdoc is a lovely tool, but it's strictly for the nerds. Looks like I won't be giving up Docusaurus anytime soon.

Purposeful 1
UX Experience 1.5
Accurate 2

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