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Claude: 10 Minute Docs Audit

Claude is a large language model, LLM, created Anthropic. Claude can answer questions and produce content similar to ChatGPT. Just like ChatGPT, there is a UI for end users, and an API for developers.

I run a technical documentation business specializing in writing and editing documentation. I made this series to share my insights and help projects craft impactful documentation.

What's The Criteria?
3- Excellent
2 - OK
1 - Poor

Purposeful: Does the QuickStart explain what problem it's trying to solve? Who is the intended audience?

UX Experience: How seamless is the experience? Must the user create an account to get through the Quickstart? Does the Quickstart elicit a sense of joy and achievement?

Accurate: Are the instructions correct? Are they complete?

The Results

Developers need an invite to access Claude's API, and the experience went downhill from there. The landing page and the Getting Started page were hard to navigate. I found myself clicking between Claude's landing page, Anthropic's API docs, and Anthropic's GitHub page. A nightmare. 😤

According to Anthropic, it was in the process of making multiple LLMs, but the only one I could find was Claude and Claude Instant. Where are these other LLMs?

That's it. Wasn't impressed with Claude's/Anthropic's docs. They weren't nearly as well organized or helpful as ChatGPT's.

Purposeful 1
UX Experience 1
Accurate NA

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