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Streamlit: 10 Minute Docs Audit

Streamlit is a Python UI builder, very similar to Reflex. Streamlit enables data analysts, and data scientists to quickly turn their graphs, and models into a web app(without JavaScript).

I run a technical documentation business specializing in writing and editing documentation. I made this series to share my insights and help projects craft impactful documentation.

What's The Criteria?
3- Excellent
2 - OK
1 - Poor

Purposeful: Does the QuickStart explain what problem it's trying to solve? Who is the intended audience?

UX Experience: How seamless is the experience? Must the user create an account to get through the Quickstart? Does the Quickstart elicit a sense of joy and achievement?

Accurate: Are the instructions correct? Are they complete?

The Results

Streamlit offers an incredible user experience. On the landing page, you can start coding right away or head over to the Getting Started and learn more about the project. Streamlit has a lot of Pandas examples, which leads me to think that this application was built specifically for data scientists. Many data scientists work with Jupyter, which is great for analyzing data but is not really made to be an end-user app.

But I digress.

It took me less than 3 minutes to get the demo up and running. Once I was able to get it up and running in my browser, I was blown away by the UI. It was clean, and I could export code and even do a screencast- out of the box. The demo provided me with a ton of value and features.

The Getting Started guide and the demo exceeded my expectations. It was an absolute delight to walk through Streamlit's documentation!

Purposeful 2.5
UX Experience 3
Accurate 3

Are you interested in a FREE Quickstart audit for your company? Start here.

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