DEV Community

Rachit Chawla
Rachit Chawla

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Release 1.8 Contributions :🤖

Pull Request #559

Updated regex to ignore backslash #559

Closes #427

Changes Made:

Updated regex to ignore backslash in github commands.

How to test:

Both the links with backslash at the end or without would recieve diff when a link of github PR is imported using /import command.

For this week, I worked on a smaller issue which came out be a small fix but also finding another issue for me solve. Previously our /import command was sensitive to trailing backslash which would result in not triggering out rewriters for github i.e

When we used to send chatcraft a link to pull request with trailing backslash, it would return us html for that page which was not our expected behaviour for importing PRs. Our expected behavior was that it should have similar response as on without backslash i.e importing the patch/diff . We had a rewriter setup which helped us to change our URLs from request to .patch URLs to return us the changes made in the PR.

I checked the regex and found that it was missing the required ?/ so I modified it with just 6 lines of code and got my work through.

In the testing for the above, I received feedback that a trailing backslash at the end of github blob URLs is returning another 400 server error. For the above I filed another issue to work on for the coming week.

PR Reviews

For this week, I reviewed 2 PRs

Fixed logo of FreeModelProvider auto #558

This PR fixes a logo bug. image

Bug: FreeModelProvider's model, "auto", shows white logo

Reason for bug: In ModelAvatar.tsx, I was setting all models with the word "free" in them with the default green bg colour, but this misses the model that is called "auto" which does not have the word free in it. The logo itself is white which means white on a white bg shows us a white logo.


In ModelAvatar.tsx, add the check for the "auto" model and and give it the green bg.


No longer showing the white logo. image

The above PR was a minor change which looked good to me and I approved it after testing. The PR was closed and the change was done in some other commit in a bigger PR.

swap default model to auto for free provider #545

@humphd or someone else, can you help me fix the blank circle?


The above PR was by chatcraft's repo owner, Taras Glek, He by mistake pushed the automatic change done by vscode in settings.json which was something we didn't want in the repo.

That's all for this week!

Happy Coding!

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