DEV Community

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Always learning, always in motion.Creator of developerHabits - a Youtube channel about developer lifestyle, growth mindset and webdev tutorials.


Full-stack Engineer @ Sentinel, creator of Developer Habits YT

Top 7
Five Year Club
Writing Debut
Four Year Club
Three Year Club
Two Year Club
One Year Club
8 Week Writing Streak
4 Week Writing Streak
Insights from 30+ interviews as a software engineer candidate

Insights from 30+ interviews as a software engineer candidate

8 min read

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How to choose your future employer? Questions to ask during your next interview

How to choose your future employer? Questions to ask during your next interview

Comments 5
8 min read
8 flags showing it's time to quit my job as a developer

8 flags showing it's time to quit my job as a developer

Comments 6
6 min read
The importance of personal coaching and self-care

The importance of personal coaching and self-care

1 min read
Quantum computing? About learning and teaching complex topics

Quantum computing? About learning and teaching complex topics

Comments 1
1 min read
My first 4 years as a professional developer in a dream company. And why I left.

My first 4 years as a professional developer in a dream company. And why I left.

Comments 17
10 min read
How to stand out as a dev? Advice from a recruiter with over 350 devs hired

How to stand out as a dev? Advice from a recruiter with over 350 devs hired

2 min read
What are 3 non-tech books that have made you a better developer (and person)?

What are 3 non-tech books that have made you a better developer (and person)?

Comments 5
1 min read
Forget Silicon Valley! 5 reasons to relocate to work in the leading country of e-governance!

Forget Silicon Valley! 5 reasons to relocate to work in the leading country of e-governance!

Comments 2
2 min read
How to price yourself as a freelance developer - 3 strategies

How to price yourself as a freelance developer - 3 strategies

Comments 3
5 min read
Are you really using WordPress template as a developer?

Are you really using WordPress template as a developer?

Comments 12
4 min read
My top 5 resources for UI/UX inspiration

My top 5 resources for UI/UX inspiration

Comments 1
2 min read
What makes a great junior developer? No, it's not your tech skills

What makes a great junior developer? No, it's not your tech skills

Comments 4
1 min read
The pros and cons of being a developer

The pros and cons of being a developer

Comments 4
1 min read
Developer Burnout - Yes, it's real! How doing too much made me lose motivation

Developer Burnout - Yes, it's real! How doing too much made me lose motivation

Comments 2
6 min read
Freelancing vs full-time job: which one is right for your?

Freelancing vs full-time job: which one is right for your?

Comments 8
7 min read
Extreme ownership - the mindset to advance your career

Extreme ownership - the mindset to advance your career

Comments 11
4 min read
From zero to hero - becoming a game developer in 1 year with no previous coding experience

From zero to hero - becoming a game developer in 1 year with no previous coding experience

Comments 1
1 min read
Why blogging makes you a better developer - learnings after one year

Why blogging makes you a better developer - learnings after one year

Comments 5
2 min read
How to learn Javascript as a beginner

How to learn Javascript as a beginner

Comments 11
1 min read
What I learned after reviewing over 40 developer portfolios - 9 tips for a better portfolio

What I learned after reviewing over 40 developer portfolios - 9 tips for a better portfolio

Comments 57
5 min read
Building an app for electric bikes as a solo developer- how a calculated risk can pay off

Building an app for electric bikes as a solo developer- how a calculated risk can pay off

Comments 1
2 min read
Become a better developer by improving your habits - 7 key takeaways from Atomic habits

Become a better developer by improving your habits - 7 key takeaways from Atomic habits

Comments 1
7 min read
Share your portfolio - I'll review it in a video

Share your portfolio - I'll review it in a video

Comments 158
1 min read
7 habits that will make you a better developer

7 habits that will make you a better developer

Comments 7
3 min read
Biggest struggles/surprises to you after landing your first full-time developer job?

Biggest struggles/surprises to you after landing your first full-time developer job?

Comments 3
1 min read
Learning and facing challenges as a webdev

Learning and facing challenges as a webdev

1 min read
What are the topics in FE development You don't understand?

What are the topics in FE development You don't understand?

Comments 9
1 min read
Tens of thousands of $$$ lost because of a simple bug! How to tackle failures as a dev

Tens of thousands of $$$ lost because of a simple bug! How to tackle failures as a dev

Comments 2
4 min read
Changing career to become a web developer

Changing career to become a web developer

2 min read
Generalists vs specialists - which one should you strive for as a developer?

Generalists vs specialists - which one should you strive for as a developer?

Comments 1
6 min read
Your habits as a developer

Your habits as a developer

Comments 2
1 min read
Designing and developing a blog(as a developer) - live streams

Designing and developing a blog(as a developer) - live streams

Comments 1
1 min read
Want to write better code while learning and teaching? Pair up!

Want to write better code while learning and teaching? Pair up!

7 min read
VIDEO: Creating a job listing with HTML, CSS and VanillaJS

VIDEO: Creating a job listing with HTML, CSS and VanillaJS

1 min read
What have you done to fight COVID-19?

What have you done to fight COVID-19?

Comments 1
1 min read
How I learned to think fast and slow - the one book that improved my critical thinking

How I learned to think fast and slow - the one book that improved my critical thinking

Comments 2
5 min read
Frontend Mentor Social Media Dashboard Challenge(HTML, CSS)

Frontend Mentor Social Media Dashboard Challenge(HTML, CSS)

1 min read
Learning HTML, CSS, and JS through Frontend Mentor - Challenge 1

Learning HTML, CSS, and JS through Frontend Mentor - Challenge 1

Comments 2
1 min read
7 tips for working from home

7 tips for working from home

4 min read
7 tips for working from home

7 tips for working from home

4 min read
What are the small things you've automated?

What are the small things you've automated?

Comments 6
1 min read
My day as a developer working from home (temporarily?)

My day as a developer working from home (temporarily?)

1 min read
Hack the crisis to fight the Corona virus - how I got to tackle the epidemic as a developer

Hack the crisis to fight the Corona virus - how I got to tackle the epidemic as a developer

1 min read
Can anyone become a developer?

Can anyone become a developer?

Comments 31
1 min read
How I led a team of developers for the first time - 12 tips for the future me

How I led a team of developers for the first time - 12 tips for the future me

8 min read
Nice tip - open your Github project page from CL

Nice tip - open your Github project page from CL

Comments 5
1 min read
10 tips for beginner developers - things I learned by mentoring interns

10 tips for beginner developers - things I learned by mentoring interns

Comments 12
5 min read
Today I learned - Permission denied? chown to the rescue

Today I learned - Permission denied? chown to the rescue

2 min read
Today I learned - React refs

Today I learned - React refs

Comments 3
2 min read
Set up Express+Mongo API server using this Docker Compose boilerplate

Set up Express+Mongo API server using this Docker Compose boilerplate

Comments 2
1 min read
Learning to learn. Part 3 - questions to ask for validating a resource

Learning to learn. Part 3 - questions to ask for validating a resource

3 min read
Learning to learn. Part 2 - a three-step framework for learning new technical topics

Learning to learn. Part 2 - a three-step framework for learning new technical topics

Comments 8
4 min read
Learning to learn. Part 1 - three rules to follow as a beginner developer.

Learning to learn. Part 1 - three rules to follow as a beginner developer.

Comments 1
3 min read
5 tips for finding clients as a freelance developer

5 tips for finding clients as a freelance developer

Comments 5
3 min read
80/20: component libraries to kick-start your project

80/20: component libraries to kick-start your project

1 min read
Don't let your job title stop you

Don't let your job title stop you

Comments 3
4 min read
From senior to junior in one day - looking back at my first days as a professional developer

From senior to junior in one day - looking back at my first days as a professional developer

Comments 6
6 min read
Freelancing big projects - 9 key takeaways from my failure that you can learn from

Freelancing big projects - 9 key takeaways from my failure that you can learn from

Comments 2
7 min read