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TexCreate v2.1 Released!

TexCreate hasn't seen some change in a little while, and that was mostly me not realizing errors in the flags, but what are the changes?

Added Template

I haven't added a new template in a while, so what is this new template? Well it's a modified version of the Lachaise template, with added colors for the graphics, and some less noticeable changes like no more rounded corners.

I do want to add in other templates like resumes, newspapers, etc.

Force Build

In TexCreate there are several error checkers for things like missing fields, beamer not having a beamer document class, invalid templates, and such. The force flag is used to ignore the error checker, and force the project to be built.

To do this, use the --force flag on the build command:

$ texcreate build --force
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Concepts Being Considered

  • Custom templates
    • I really want to add this, but currently considering how to implement it effectively
  • TexCreate script interpreter

As usual feel free to comment features or changes you'd like, or create a new Issue on texcreate

Top comments (2)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern


mustafif profile image
