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Kavindu Santhusa
Kavindu Santhusa

Posted on

Top 10 trending github repos of the week🐮.

GitHub is where over 65 million developers shape the future of software, together. Contribute to the open source community, manage your Git repositories, review code like a pro, track bugs and features, power your CI/CD and DevOps workflows, and secure code before you commit it.

Here is the most popular repos published on this platform.


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GitHub logo goplus / gop

GoPlus - The Go+ language for engineering, STEM education, and data science

The Go+ language for engineering, STEM education, and data science

Build Status Go Report Card Coverage Status GitHub release Playground VSCode Readme GoDoc

  • For engineering: working in the simplest language that can be mastered by children.
  • For STEM education: studying an engineering language that can be used to work in the future.
  • For data science: communicating with engineers in the same language.

How to install

For now, we suggest you install Go+ from source code.

git clone
cd gop
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Summary about Go+

What are mainly impressions about Go+?

  • A static typed language.
  • Fully compatible with the Go language.
  • Script-like style, and more readable code for data science than Go.

For example, the following is legal Go+ source code:

a := [1, 2, 3.4]
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How do we do this in the Go language?

package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
    a := []float64{1, 2, 
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


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GitHub logo k4zmu2a / SpaceCadetPinball

Decompilation of 3D Pinball for Windows – Space Cadet



Reverse engineering of 3D Pinball for Windows – Space Cadet, a game bundled with Windows.

How to play

Place compiled executable into a folder containing original game resources (not included).
Supports data files from Windows and Full Tilt versions of the game.

Known source ports

Platforms covered by this project: desktop Windows, Linux and macOS.


  • pinball.exe from Windows XP (SHA-1 2A5B525E0F631BB6107639E2A69DF15986FB0D05) and its public PDB
  • CADET.EXE 32bit version from Full Tilt! Pinball (SHA-1 3F7B5699074B83FD713657CD94671F2156DBEDC4)

Tools used

Ghidra, Ida, Visual Studio

What was done

  • All structures were populated, globals and locals named.
  • All subs were decompiled, C pseudo code was converted to compilable C++. Loose (namespace?) subs were…


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GitHub logo nuxt / framework

The Hybrid Vue(3) Framework.

CI Status Downloads Version License Discord

Welcome to Nuxt 3 repository

📖 Documentation

Read Online Docs

🐞 Reporting bugs

Check out Reporting Bugs page.

💡 Suggestions

Check out Contribution page


Check out Getting Help page.

💻 Development

  • Clone repository
  • Ensure you have the latest LTS version of Node.js installed
  • Install dependencies with npx yarn install
  • Run npx yarn stub to activate passive development
  • Open playground with npx yarn play

Learn more about in our documentation on how to contribute to Nuxt.

📖 Documentation

We are using Docus for documentation (It is planned to be open sourced it in the following weeks).

We recommend to install the Docus extension for VS Code.

  • Go into the docs directory: cd docs
  • Install docs dependencies with npx yarn install
  • Run npx yarn dev to start Docus in development mode

The pages are generated from docs/content/, you can start editing them to start…


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GitHub logo AveYo / MediaCreationTool.bat

Universal MCT wrapper script for all Windows 10/11 versions from 1507 to 21H2!

Not just an Universal MediaCreationTool wrapper script with ingenious support for business editions,
A powerful yet simple windows 10 / 11 deployment automation tool as well!

configure via set vars, commandline parameters or rename script like iso 21H2 Pro MediaCreationTool.bat
recommended windows setup options with the least amount of issues on upgrades set via auto.cmd
awesome dialogs with keyboard focus to pick target version and preset action

Auto Setup with detected media without confirmation
- can troubleshoot upgrade failing by adding no_update to script name
Create ISO with detected media in C:\ESD folder without confirmation
- can override detected media by adding edition name / language / arch to script name
Create USB with detected media after confirmation
- can click Back and select ISO instead to save in a different path
custom presets above support 'oem' media customization, that can be disabled by adding no_oem to script name


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GitHub logo KieSun / all-of-frontend


contributors Commit Stars Forks GitHub visitor badge

重要资料已经整合在公众号「前端真好玩」,另外还附赠了前端 10 万字的面试攻略,已经帮助上千人拿到 offer。扫码发送关键字「资料」,你会发现相见恨晚!

🔥 这是什么?

笔者在学会 JS 以及框架的应用后,有一段时间不知道该如何深入下去,活能干,就是不知道该学啥。相信这个问题也会有很多读者朋友遇到。





💻 如何使用




推荐大家 Star 并 Fork 本项目(点击仓库顶部右上角按钮),然后 git clone 到本地后从上至下逐步完成学习计划。

Comming soon!

  • 构建器相关内容
  • 前端核心学习路径思维导图



笔者已经将仓库内容里的重要资料整理好了,还附赠了前端 10 万字的面试攻略,已经帮助上千人拿到 offer。大家可以关注公众号发送「资料」获取。



📖 目录


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Node and Express Tutorial


  1. Node Tutorial
  2. Express Tutorial
  3. Task Manager (MongoDB, Mongoose)
  4. Store API
  5. JWT Basics
  6. Jobs API

Course Exclusive

Node Tutorial and Projects Course

  1. File Upload (local and cloudinary)
  2. Send Email (nodemailer,ethereal and sendgrid )
  3. Stripe Payment
  4. E-Commerce API
  5. Auth Workflow (verify email, reset password)
  6. Sessions
  7. Yelp Clone


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GitHub logo qiurunze123 / miaosha


互联网 Java 秒杀系统设计与架构

邮箱 :

Github :

微信(阿里推荐-可帮忙推荐 与 修改简历 ):微信名称:qiurunzeaixiaoju 群人数较多 备注 年限-姓名 加我后我来拉你进群

为大家举办这个活动 团队的人都有经验可以帮着大家修改简历 日期持续到6-18号 过后可能需要再约时间 大家看到后可加我 免费的哈!也是一个和专家沟通的机会

QQ : 3341386488

QQ群1(秒杀架构一群) :


QQ群2(秒杀架构二群) :


QQ群3(多线程交流群 三高系统 -- 并发框架) :


Travis 高并发大流量如何进行秒杀架构,我对这部分知识做了一个系统的整理,写了一套系统。本GitHub还有许多其他的知识,随时欢迎探讨与骚扰!本文还在更新如果文章出现瑕疵请及时与我联系!

文章还有许多不足,我仍在不断改进!如果你本地没有这些环境,可以先找我要我的阿里云地址,看效果! ps: 本文章基础思路来自于若鱼1919老师!大家可以关注老师的课和博客很不错,老师很nice! 谢谢大家 !课程地址:

一点小建议:学习本系列知识之前,如果你完全没接触过 MQSpringBootRedisDubboZKMaven,lua等,那么我建议你可以先在网上搜一下每一块知识的快速入门, 也可以下载本项目边做边学习,我的项目完全是实战加讲解不想写一堆的文章,浪费我们的生命,你还不懂内层含义,想要明白就边实际操作边学习,效果会更好!加油💪💪

最初版本请下载 (

如果想先看dubbo + zk 了解请下载we-miaosha ,miaosha-order 为项目分离示例项目!会不断完善!此版本为springboot2.0+ 请使JDK1.8+

start 维护 开始搭建

重点 --- 启动与运行

*** 如何搭建以及接入新思想 (新版本请进入)***


软件环境 : 请选择稳定版


未来设计图 : 未来设计


软件环境 : mysql 数据库表设计


1.需注意 因为秒杀,大促,打折等活动进行频繁,所以需要单独建立秒杀_....表来管理否则会经常进行回归


3.访问地址 http://localhost:8080/login/to_login

以下所有内容都已完成,但是因内容多需逐渐整理上传! 专题的部分也会尽快上传更新! 立个flag 半年内吧争取全部更新完!各位稍安勿躁!


ID Problem Article
000 如何解决卖超问题 解决思路
001 如何对本项目进行jmeter压测 解决思路
003 全局异常处理拦截 解决思路
003 页面级缓存thymeleafViewResolver 解决思路
004 对象级缓存redis🙋🐓 解决思路
005 订单处理队列rabbitmq 解决思路
006 解决分布式session 解决思路
007 秒杀安全 -- 安全性设计 解决思路
008 通用缓存key的封装采用什么设计模式 解决思路
009 redis的库存如何与数据库的库存保持一致 解决思路
010 为什么redis数量会减少为负数 解决思路
011 为什么要单独维护一个秒杀结束标志 解决思路
012 rabbitmq如何做到消息不重复不丢失即使服务器重启 解决思路
013 为什么threadlocal存储user对象,原理 解决思路
014 maven 隔离


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GitHub logo apple / swift-markdown

A Swift package for parsing, building, editing, and analyzing Markdown documents.

Swift Markdown

Swift Markdown is a Swift package for parsing, building, editing, and analyzing Markdown documents.

The parser is powered by GitHub-flavored Markdown's cmark-gfm implementation, so it follows the spec closely. As the needs of the community change, the effective dialect implemented by this library may change.

The markup tree provided by this package is comprised of immutable/persistent, thread-safe, copy-on-write value types that only copy substructure that has changed. Other examples of the main strategy behind this library can be seen in Swift's lib/Syntax and its Swift bindings, SwiftSyntax.

Getting Started Using Markup

In your Package.swift Swift Package Manager manifest, add the following dependency to your dependencies argument:

.package(url: "ssh://", .branch("main")),
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Add the dependency to any targets you've declared in your manifest:

.target(name: "MyTarget", dependencies: ["Markdown
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


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GitHub logo sveltejs / kit

The fastest way to build Svelte apps


SvelteKit is still in beta. Expect bugs! Read more here, and track progress towards 1.0 here.


Please see the documentation for information about getting started and developing with SvelteKit.


The SvelteKit community also makes additional SvelteKit adapters available for use.

Bug reporting

Please make sure the issue you're reporting involves SvelteKit. Many issues related to how a project builds originate from Vite, which SvelteKit uses to build a project. It's important to note that new Vite projects don't use SSR by default and so if you create a new Vite project from scratch many issues won't reproduce eventhough they're caused by Vite. You should thus start with a project that utilizes SSR such as:

If an issue is caused by Vite, please report…


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GitHub logo logseq / logseq

A privacy-first, open-source platform for knowledge management and collaboration. Desktop app download link:, roadmap:


latest release version License Twitter follow discord total

Contributors Contributors

A local-first, non-linear, outliner notebook for organizing and sharing your personal knowledge base.

Use it to organize your todo list, to write your journals, or to record your unique life.

Logseq - Your joyful, private digital garden | Product Hunt

Download our free Desktop app

Sponsor our contributors on Open Collective, Logseq will move to Stripe later!

Why Logseq?

Logseq is a platform for knowledge management and collaboration. It focuses on privacy, longevity, and user control.

The server will never store or analyze your private notes. Your data are plain text files and we currently support both Markdown and Emacs Org mode (more to be added soon).

In the unlikely event that the website is down or cannot be maintained, your data is, and will always be yours.

Image of logseq


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Plugins documentation (Draft)

The plugins documentation is at Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!


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Thanks 💖💖💖

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