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Aadit Unni
Aadit Unni

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Notification alert when an object is deleted from S3 bucket

[41/100] #100DaysOfCloud Today, I created an S3 event notification to send a notification alert to my email when an object from the S3 bucket is deleted.

Sometimes our requirement is when anyone deletes any object in S3 bucket we should receive an alert. The Amazon S3 notification feature enables you to receive notifications(SNS/SQS/Lambda) when certain events happen in your bucket. The S3 events work at the object level, so if something happens to the object, in this case, maybe PUT, POST, COPY or DELETE then the event is generated and that event will be delivered to the target(SNS, SQS or LAMBDA).

In this I created an S3 event notification where if the object is deleted permenantely then it sends an email notification alert to my email through SNS.

You can try do it by yourself by following the steps from the link below: GitHub

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