DEV Community

Aadit Unni
Aadit Unni

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Create an advanced AWS VPC to host a fully functioning cloud native application

[100/100] #100DaysOfCloud Today, I created an advanced AWS VPC to host a fully functioning cloud native application that lets you vote your favorite programming language from a list.

The VPC will span 2 AZs, and have both public and private subnets. An internet gateway and NAT gateway will be deployed into it. Public and private route tables will be established. An application load balancer (ALB) will be installed which will load balance traffic across an auto scaling group (ASG) of Nginx web servers installed with the cloud native application frontend and API. A database instance running MongoDB will be installed in the private zone. Security groups will be created and deployed to secure all network traffic between the various components.
For demonstration purposes only - both the frontend and the API will be deployed to the same set of ASG instances - to reduce running costs.
The ALB will configured with a single listener (port 80). 2 target groups will be established. The frontend target group points to the Nginx web server (port 80). The API target group points to the custom API service (port 8080). The Web Application is a Programming Language Vote App where you can vote or your favorite language from a list.

You can try do it by yourself by following the steps from the link below: GitHub

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