DEV Community

Aadit Unni
Aadit Unni

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Create a Cost Budget

[6/100] #100DaysOfCloud Today, I created a Cost Budget with an alert threshold to send a notification to your email when it hits the threshold mark.

AWS Budgets :

AWS Budgets lets you set custom cost and usage budgets that alert you when your budget thresholds are exceeded (or forecasted to exceed). You can also create budgets to track your aggregate Reservation and Savings Plans utilization and coverage metrics. You can monitor and receive notifications on your budgets free of charge.

Use cases :

  • Monitor costs and usage

    • Set your preferred budget period to daily, monthly, quarterly, or annually, and create specific budget limits.
  • Create scheduled reports

    • Stay informed on how actual or forecasted costs and usage progress toward your budget threshold.
  • Respond to thresholds

    • Set up custom actions to run automatically or through an approval process when a budget target is exceeded.

You can try to create an Cost Budget yourself by following the steps from the link below :

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