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Jaime González García profile picture

Jaime González García

Senior Software Engineer at Google working on Google Meet 👨‍💻 Helping developers be more awesome 🔥 author, speaker & nerd 🧙🏼‍♂️ into JavaScript, TypeScript, Vim & pixelart ❤️


MsC Telecommunications Engineering


Senior Software Engineer at Google

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4 Week Writing Streak
Practice Happiness

Practice Happiness

8 min read

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Learn Vim. A new extension to help you learn Vim in VSCode

Learn Vim. A new extension to help you learn Vim in VSCode

Comments 9
1 min read
TypeScript Types Deep Dive - The Talk

TypeScript Types Deep Dive - The Talk

1 min read
5 Minutes Vim: Copying, Cutting, Pasting, Registers, and How to Tame Them

5 Minutes Vim: Copying, Cutting, Pasting, Registers, and How to Tame Them

Comments 4
11 min read
Learn Svelte: Connecting the Pomodoro Timer and Tasks with Props and Stores

Learn Svelte: Connecting the Pomodoro Timer and Tasks with Props and Stores

Comments 1
15 min read
Peak: Secrets From the New Science Of Expertise Or How To Get Better At Anything

Peak: Secrets From the New Science Of Expertise Or How To Get Better At Anything

4 min read
Learn Svelte: Creating a Pomodoro Timer

Learn Svelte: Creating a Pomodoro Timer

14 min read
5 Minutes Vim: Learn to Use Vim's Help

5 Minutes Vim: Learn to Use Vim's Help

Comments 4
4 min read
5 Minutes Vim: CtrlP considered harmful

5 Minutes Vim: CtrlP considered harmful

Comments 13
3 min read
Goodbye 2019! Hello 2020 Holy Shit!

Goodbye 2019! Hello 2020 Holy Shit!

Comments 8
11 min read
The Wizard Logs - Part III - The Adventures, Glory and Misfortunes of Writing Wizards Use Vim

The Wizard Logs - Part III - The Adventures, Glory and Misfortunes of Writing Wizards Use Vim

4 min read
Learn Svelte: Adding, Editing and Estimating Tasks In The Pomodoro Technique App

Learn Svelte: Adding, Editing and Estimating Tasks In The Pomodoro Technique App

13 min read
Polyglot Programming in Vim (or How to Get A Great Developer Experience for Any Language in Vim)

Polyglot Programming in Vim (or How to Get A Great Developer Experience for Any Language in Vim)

Comments 7
7 min read
Learn Svelte: Get Started with Svelte Writing a Pomodoro Technique App

Learn Svelte: Get Started with Svelte Writing a Pomodoro Technique App

Comments 2
11 min read
Learn Svelte

Learn Svelte

Comments 3
2 min read
TypeScript Types Deep Dive - Part 3: Functions

TypeScript Types Deep Dive - Part 3: Functions

Comments 3
15 min read
Jaime's Guide to Tmux: The Most Awesome Tool You Didn't know you needed

Jaime's Guide to Tmux: The Most Awesome Tool You Didn't know you needed

Comments 11
16 min read
My favorite books of 2019

My favorite books of 2019

Comments 6
8 min read
TypeScript Types Deep Dive - Part 2: The Absence of value

TypeScript Types Deep Dive - Part 2: The Absence of value

Comments 4
9 min read
TypeScript Types Deep Dive - Part 1

TypeScript Types Deep Dive - Part 1

Comments 6
11 min read
A weird experiment: The Boost Your Coding Fu With VSCode and Vim Auditory Experience! An Audiobook? A Podcast?!

A weird experiment: The Boost Your Coding Fu With VSCode and Vim Auditory Experience! An Audiobook? A Podcast?!

Comments 3
1 min read
Exploring Vim Plugins: Improve and Extend Your Text Objects With targets.vim

Exploring Vim Plugins: Improve and Extend Your Text Objects With targets.vim

Comments 2
7 min read
A Video Intro to Boost Your Coding Fu with VSCode and Vim 06:49

A Video Intro to Boost Your Coding Fu with VSCode and Vim

Comments 9
1 min read
Vim's Secret Language

Vim's Secret Language

2 min read
Editing Like Magic With Vim Operators

Editing Like Magic With Vim Operators

Comments 5
8 min read
Moving Blazingly Fast with The Core Vim Motions

Moving Blazingly Fast with The Core Vim Motions

Comments 4
8 min read
Installing Vim in VSCode and Your First Baby Steps in Vim

Installing Vim in VSCode and Your First Baby Steps in Vim

Comments 3
9 min read
Becoming a More Productive Developer With VSCode and Vim

Becoming a More Productive Developer With VSCode and Vim

Comments 1
6 min read
Exploring Vim Plugins: A Methodology to Become 1% Better Every Week

Exploring Vim Plugins: A Methodology to Become 1% Better Every Week

Comments 3
9 min read
How to Come Up With Great Side Projects

How to Come Up With Great Side Projects

Comments 14
6 min read
Boost Your Coding Fu With Visual Studio Code and Vim - The Book

Boost Your Coding Fu With Visual Studio Code and Vim - The Book

Comments 2
2 min read
The Best Way to Advance Your Career

The Best Way to Advance Your Career

Comments 21
4 min read
Boost Your Coding Fu With Visual Studio Code and Vim

Boost Your Coding Fu With Visual Studio Code and Vim

Comments 44
20 min read
The Wizard Logs - Part II - The Adventures, Glory and Misfortunes of Writing Wizards Use Vim

The Wizard Logs - Part II - The Adventures, Glory and Misfortunes of Writing Wizards Use Vim

6 min read
TypeScript: JavaScript + Types = Awesome Developer Productivity

TypeScript: JavaScript + Types = Awesome Developer Productivity

Comments 27
48 min read
The Wizard Logs - Part I - The Adventures, Glory and Misfortunes of Writing Wizards Use Vim

The Wizard Logs - Part I - The Adventures, Glory and Misfortunes of Writing Wizards Use Vim

7 min read
Wizards Use Vim! My New Book on Vim

Wizards Use Vim! My New Book on Vim

Comments 25
5 min read
Don't Give Up. Keep Iterating

Don't Give Up. Keep Iterating

Comments 8
1 min read
How to Write a Book And Not Die Trying - The Story of How I Wrote... - Part II: Book Execution

How to Write a Book And Not Die Trying - The Story of How I Wrote... - Part II: Book Execution

12 min read
Goodbye 2017 and 2018! Hello 2019!

Goodbye 2017 and 2018! Hello 2019!

Comments 2
16 min read
How to Write a Book And Not Die Trying: The Story of How I Wrote JavaScriptMancy & Everything I Learnt Writing 2 Books & a Half

How to Write a Book And Not Die Trying: The Story of How I Wrote JavaScriptMancy & Everything I Learnt Writing 2 Books & a Half

8 min read
Thoughts on Interviewing at Big Tech Companies

Thoughts on Interviewing at Big Tech Companies

Comments 16
19 min read
Want to Get Stuff Done? Behold!! The Ultimate System to Git-Things-Done!

Want to Get Stuff Done? Behold!! The Ultimate System to Git-Things-Done!

Comments 11
25 min read
How to Write a Game in Under 13 Kb While Taking Care of a Baby

How to Write a Game in Under 13 Kb While Taking Care of a Baby

Comments 24
22 min read
Programmers in Ugly Christmas Sweaters

Programmers in Ugly Christmas Sweaters

Comments 13
1 min read
Exploring Vim: The 10 or So Things You Need To Know To Go Through The Dip

Exploring Vim: The 10 or So Things You Need To Know To Go Through The Dip

Comments 12
39 min read
Exploring Vim: Setting Up Your Vim To Be More Awesome At Vim, Or... The Very Basic Things You Need to Know About Configuring Vim

Exploring Vim: Setting Up Your Vim To Be More Awesome At Vim, Or... The Very Basic Things You Need to Know About Configuring Vim

Comments 3
12 min read
Exploring Vim

Exploring Vim

Comments 59
18 min read