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Tech Tim (@TechTim42)
Tech Tim (@TechTim42)

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Why you don't need Diversity in Work Place but Respect

Recently I was re-fresh my knowledge about Agile and Scrum in practice, after gaining more experience in practice in IT, and after this learning, I just realised that in the little country I stayed in, none of the company, or the company I have heard of, they are doing Scrum properly. (Maybe I can talk about that in the future, why none of the company I knew in this country doing a real Scrum.) Now I would like to talk about a very important value of Scrum.


I wrote an article I wrote long ago as well, to talk about Diversity, it talks about why we should talk about more about Respect the difference in workplace, then Diversity.

Some Cases To Think


Colleague A always types very slow, and does not know many shortcuts to do things efficiently,
You: This guy seems like from stone age, I cannot believe he is qualified for doing software jobs

Question: Is is possible there are something you haven't noticed, is it possible he didn't use the OS before, maybe he is a Mac user, but you give him a windows.

This is a difference of people's performance of hardware and setting, it should be respected.

lunch box

Colleague B he is always away during lunch time about 2 to 3 hours,
You: He is lazy, I will suggest boss to fire him.

Question: different cultures have different way of lunch, I knew a French colleague, he said in France, people always have one hour plus lunch, a proper meal, not a work day sandwich.


Colleague C he does not talk at all, his English is so hard to understand
You: He does not communicate, fire him

Question, not everyone are native language is English, maybe slow yourself down instead


Colleague D: He always start very late (in a flexible workplace), no one can catch him during day time to collaborate.
You: he does not collaborate, fire him

Question: If it is your colleague or your staff, what do you think of it? Do you think the person should be fired or not?

These are just very little of the differences in workplace, I am pretty sure you will see more. No matter your place is small or big, diversed or not.

This is why I wanted to say, diversity is not the most important thing in your workplace, the respect of the difference is.


Many workplace focus too much on diversity, and ignore the difference (not includes in common diversity, gender, race, etc), it give people a wrong feeling, we have the diversity so we have the culture of respect, and our place can learn and grow together. In most of time, it is not true, it only give you a surface feeling of it, and make people blind about the real problem, we should respect each other's difference, not only on common diversity problems.

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