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Tech Tim (@TechTim42)
Tech Tim (@TechTim42)

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Learn Coaching in My Workplace

Coaching is a transformative process that aims to unlock potential, foster growth, and support individuals in achieving their goals. It goes beyond simply providing advice or instructions; it is about creating a safe and empowering environment where individuals can explore their thoughts, feelings, and aspirations.

1 to 1 talk and coaching

Effective coaching involves several key elements, including active listening, asking thought-provoking questions, empathising, summarising, and maintaining an open-minded approach.

Recently I learnt about how to do coaching in work place from Culture AMP. In this post, I want to share some fundamental aspects of coaching and explore how they can be applied in practice to drive meaningful change.

1. The Power of Listening:

At the core of coaching lies the art of active listening. It is about giving someone your undivided attention, focusing on their words, tone, and body language.
By listening attentively, you create a space where individuals feel heard and valued, allowing them to freely express their thoughts and emotions. Through active listening, you can gain deeper insights into their perspectives, concerns, and aspirations, which serves as a foundation for effective coaching.

2. The Art of Asking Questions:

As a coach, your role is not to provide answers but to facilitate self-discovery and growth. Asking powerful questions is an essential skill in coaching. By utilizing open-ended questions that begin with "how," "what," "where," and "when," rather than closed-ended questions that elicit simple "yes" or "no" responses, you encourage individuals to explore their own thoughts and come up with meaningful solutions. Thought-provoking questions spark introspection, expand perspectives, and uncover new possibilities.

asking questions

3. The Importance of Empathy:

Empathy plays a crucial role in coaching. It is the ability to understand and share the feelings and experiences of another person. By empathising with individuals, you create a safe and non-judgmental space where they can freely express themselves without fear of criticism or rejection. Demonstrating empathy fosters trust and builds a strong coach-client relationship, enabling individuals to open up and explore their challenges and aspirations more authentically.

4. The Power of Summarising:

Summarising is a skill that helps both the coach and the individual gain clarity and perspective. By summarising what has been discussed, you demonstrate your understanding of their thoughts, feelings, and goals. This process also allows individuals to reflect on their own insights and make connections between different aspects of their lives. Summarising helps to distill the essence of the conversation and serves as a foundation for future exploration and growth.

5. Embracing an Open-Minded Approach:

Coaching requires an open-minded and non-judgmental attitude. It means putting aside preconceived notions, biases, and personal agendas to fully embrace the individual's unique experiences and perspectives. By maintaining an open mind, you create a space where individuals can freely express themselves without fear of judgment. This fosters an environment of trust, authenticity, and collaboration, enabling individuals to explore new possibilities and embrace positive change.

growing plant


Coaching is a powerful tool for personal and professional growth, enabling individuals to tap into their potential and overcome challenges. By incorporating active listening, powerful questioning, empathy, summarisation, and an open-minded approach into the coaching practice, it will help create a supportive and transformative environment for individuals in workplace.

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