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Tomasz Wegrzanowski
Tomasz Wegrzanowski

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Open Source Adventures: Episode 25: Imba 2 Game of Life

I want to port a few more Imba 1 apps to Imba 2.

This one is very simple, just another Game of Life program. It's fairly straightforward, but we'll need to adapt it a bit, as Imba 1 version used components inheriting from svg:g and Imba 2 can't do this, as web components don't support that yet.

Here's the original source code, and here you can see the app in action.

Imba 1 app.imba

let def countNeighbours(cells, x, y)
  let count = 0
  for i, cell of cells
    if !cell:state
    let dx = Math.abs(cell:x - x)
    let dy = Math.abs(cell:y - y)
    if Math.max(dx, dy) == 1
      count += 1
  return count

let def runStep(cells)
  let nextCells = []
  for i, cell of cells
    let n = countNeighbours(cells, cell:x, cell:y)
    let nextState = (n == 3 || (cell:state && n == 2))
    nextCells.push({x: cell:x, y: cell:y, state: nextState})
  return nextCells

tag CellTag < svg:g
  def onclick
    data:state = !data:state

  def render
    let visualStartX = 20 * data:x + 1
    let visualStartY = 20 * data:y + 1

      <svg:rect .alive=(data:state) .dead=(!data:state) x=visualStartX y=visualStartY height=18 width=18>

tag App
  def setup
    let sizex = 30
    let sizey = 30
    @cells = []
    for x in [0..sizex]
      for y in [0..sizey]
        @cells.push({ x: x, y: y, state: Math.random() < 0.2 })

  def step
    @cells = runStep(@cells)

  def mount
    setInterval(&,100) do
      if @playing

  def play
    @playing = true

  def pause
    @playing = false

  def onpause

  def render
        "Game of Life"
        for cell in @cells
        if @playing
          <button :click.pause>
          <button :click.step>

Imba.mount <App>
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Imba 1 app.scss

@import 'normalize-scss';
@include normalize();

.App {
  header {
    font-size: 64px;
    text-align: center;

  svg {
    height: 600px;
    width: 600px;
    background-color: #aaa;
    margin: auto;
    display: block;

  .dead {
    fill: #844;

  .alive {
    fill: #3f3;

  .buttons {
    text-align: center;
  button {
    margin: 0.5em;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Imba 2 app.imba

def countNeighbours(cells, x, y)
  let count = 0
  for cell of cells
    if !cell.state
    let dx = Math.abs(cell.x - x)
    let dy = Math.abs(cell.y - y)
    if Math.max(dx, dy) == 1
      count += 1

def runStep(cells)
  let nextCells = []
  for cell of cells
    let n = countNeighbours(cells, cell.x, cell.y)
    let nextState = (n == 3 || (cell.state && n == 2))
    nextCells.push({x: cell.x, y: cell.y, state: nextState})

tag cell
  prop data

  def onclick
    data.state = !data.state

  def render
    let visualStartX = 20 * data.x + 1
    let visualStartY = 20 * data.y + 1

    <self[left:{visualStartX}px top:{visualStartY}px] .alive=(data.state) .dead=(!data.state) @click.onclick>

    position: absolute
    width: 18px
    height: 18px
      background-color: #864
      background-color: #3f3

tag app
  prop cells
  prop playing = true

  def setup
    let sizex = 30
    let sizey = 30
    cells = []
    for x in [0 ... sizex]
      for y in [0 ... sizey]
        cells.push({ x: x, y: y, state: Math.random() < 0.2 })

  def step
    cells = runStep(cells)

  def mount
    imba.setInterval(&,100) do
      if playing

  def play
    playing = true

  def pause
    playing = false

  def render
        "Game of Life"
        for cell in cells
          <cell data=cell @pause.pause>
        if playing
          <button @click.pause>
          <button @click.step>

      font-size: 64px
      text-align: center
      position: relative
      height: 600px
      width: 600px
      background-color: #aaa
      margin: auto
      text-align: center
      margin: 0.5em

imba.mount <app>
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The main issue here is that we can't use SVG directly. We could make a ton of tiny <svg>s, each with one <rect>, but at that point we might as well use <div>s for components, and position: absolute them.

Some minor things:

  • event model changed, and it doesn't look like we can simply define onX, we need to bind every such event manually
  • for syntax changed from Imba 1

Source code

Source code is in imba2-game-of-life repository.

You can also see the live version here.

Coming next

While we didn't do anything too fancy, I think it's a good time to stop. In the next episode I'll give some thoughts about Imba 2.

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