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Tomasz Wegrzanowski
Tomasz Wegrzanowski

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Open Source Adventures: Episode 20: Imba 2 ROT-N

I want to start porting Imba 1 apps to Imba 2 with the simplest one - ROT-N decoder. Here's Imba 1 version.

You either paste text into the box or use file upload, and then it decodes every ROT-N from ROT-1 to ROT-25. It's somewhat useful for elementary hacking challenges.

Imba 1 app.imba

There's very little complicated here. rot(n) does the the rotating, upload handles upload events, and render renders the view.

tag App
  def setup
    @text = "Hello, world!"

  def rot(n)
    @text.replace /[a-z]/gi do |c|
      let i = c.charCodeAt(0)
      if i >= 97 and i <= 122
        String.fromCharCode(((i - 97 + n) % 26) + 97)
      else if i >= 65 and i <= 90
        String.fromCharCode(((i - 65 + n) % 26) + 65)

  def upload(event)
    let file = event.native:target:files[0]
    return unless file
    let reader =

    reader:onload = do |event|
      @text = event:target:result
      @error = nil

  def render
          <input#file type="file" :change.upload>
          for i in [1..25]
            <tr .{"rot-{i}"}>

Imba.mount <App>
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Imba 1 app.scss

@import 'normalize-scss';
@include normalize();

.App {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: space-around;
  max-width: 1000px;
  margin: auto;

  header {
    font-size: 64px;
    text-align: center;
  textarea {
    min-width: 50vw;
    min-height: 100px;
  th {
    padding-right: 5px;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Getting started

I had a boilerplate with settings I like, like GitHub Pages, SCSS, but let's start fresh with npx imba create imba2-rotn.

There are some truly attrocious settings in it - .vscode and .editorconfig forcing 4 space indentation, both straight into trash. Even if Imba insists on tabs, they should be visually 2 spaced, or it looks like ass.

OK, with that out of the way we can start coding.


This only requires changing the title, the rest is fine.

<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <title>Imba 2 ROT-N</title>
    <!-- reference to the client script styles -->
    <style src='*'></style>
    <!-- reference to the client script -->
    <script type="module" src="./client.imba"></script>
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


This is fairly close to direct translation:

tag app
  prop text = "Hello, World!"

  def rot(n)
    text.replace /[a-z]/gi do |c|
      let i = c.charCodeAt(0)
      if i >= 97 and i <= 122
        String.fromCharCode(((i - 97 + n) % 26) + 97)
      else if i >= 65 and i <= 90
        String.fromCharCode(((i - 65 + n) % 26) + 65)

  def upload(event)
    let file =[0]
    return unless file
    let reader = new FileReader
    reader.onload = do |event|
      text =

      <textarea bind=text>
        <input#file type="file" :change.upload>
        for i in [1 .. 25]

    display: flex
    justify-content: space-around
    max-width: 1000px
    margin: auto
    ff: sans

      font-size: 64px
      text-align: center

      min-width: 50vw
      min-height: 100px

      padding-right: 5px

imba.mount <app>
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Some differences:

  • CSS is not in the component, getting translated the usual way just like Svelte does it
  • there's no wrapping render function, it's just a <self> (which becomes <app-tag>, it's all web components on top level)
  • syntax is a bit different <textarea[text]> becomes <textarea bind=text>
  • extra spaces needed in range [1 .. 25]
  • no more : vs . distinction
  • no more read-as-text becoming readAsText - Imba 2 still allows - in names, but it translates them to some Unicode character, so all DOM APIs will be uglyCamelCame
  • Ruby-style is now JavaScript-style new FileReader
  • I'm not totally sure where () are needed and where they aren't, the rules are different now

But overall it was very straightforward port.

Source code

Source code is in imba2-rotn repository. At some point I'll try to add GitHub Pages support for it.

Coming next

In the next few episodes I'll try to port a few more Imba 1 apps to Imba 2, and then I guess I'll summarize my thoughts about Imba situation.

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