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The Junior Developer's Dilemma: To AI or Not to AI ?

As a front-end developer, I am often faced with the question of whether AI is beneficial for junior developers. After much reflection, I am convinced that AI can be a valuable aid for junior developers, but it must be used with caution.

It is true that AI can make finding solutions quicker and easier. However, it can also prevent the learning through trial and error and difficulty that is essential for junior developers. When a junior simply copies code without understanding its meaning, they miss the essence of learning. It is therefore important that juniors do not rely solely on AI to complete their training.

It is also important to note that AI lacks semantic thinking, which means it may not always understand the nuances and complex contexts of a project. This can result in errors that will not be immediately identified by juniors.

I think it's important that juniors view AI as an assistant rather than a replacement. AI can help them find solutions quickly, but it cannot replace a mentor who will impart experience and knowledge tailored to each situation.

Ultimately, I believe AI can be useful for junior developers, but it must be used with caution and in combination with a rigorous learning process. Juniors should not see AI as an easy solution for their projects, but rather as a tool that they can use in extreme cases of blockage. AI is a powerful tool, but it is entirely dependent on its user. Juniors must therefore be aware of its limitations and use AI responsibly in order to make the most of it.

And that's it ! See U next level Nomad !

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