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Rakesh KR
Rakesh KR

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In One Minute : Flutter

Flutter applications are written in the Dart programming language, and can connect to platform languages such as Java, Kotlin, Swift, and Objective-C. Also, thanks to ffi support, it is possible to interact with the C code directly . Flutter itself is built with C, C++, Dart, and Skia (a 2D rendering engine).

Flutter development is currently supported on Linux, Mac OS X, Chrome OS and Windows operating systems.

Flutter is developed and maintained by Google and will be the main development SDK for Fuchsia, the expected and upcoming new Operating System also by Google.

Four main components of Flutter:

  1. A heavily optimised, mobile-first 2D rendering engine (with excellent support for text) for 60fps apps
  2. A functional-reactive framework so you can build customised UIs
  3. A rich set of libraries and widgets (Material Design, Cupertino) widgets (optional, you can build-your-own widgets) so you can get started quickly and produce high-fidelity experiences
  4. Productive CLI and IDE (IntelliJ) tools for sub-second developer cycles

Flutter is different than most other options for building mobile apps because Flutter uses neither WebView nor the OEM widgets that shipped with the device. Instead, Flutter uses its own high-performance rendering engine and framework to draw widgets to the screen.

Flutter also offers developers a highly productive and fast development experience, fast runtime and engine performance, and beautifully designed widgets that make for beautiful apps.


Source Code and Building



  • Flutter in Action - Complete Flutter and Dart resource, currently in 'Early Access'.

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