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Cover image for Day 12: Always Listening Voice Commands with React.js
Dilek Karasoy for Picovoice

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Day 12: Always Listening Voice Commands with React.js

Wake words are the most-known example for always listening commands. Echo smart speakers and iPhones always listen for the wake words Alexa and Hey Siri to activate the software for listen to further voice commands.

Always listening commands are not limited to wake words. Airlines can add always listening commands such as "Book a Flight" or "Check in" directly to their websites instead of starting with "Hey Airline X".

Setup the Project

  1. Create:
npx create-react-app porcupine-react

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  1. Install:
npm install @picovoice/porcupine-react @picovoice/web-voice-processor
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  1. Download: Run the following from the project folder to turn the binary model into a base64 string. Don't forget to replace ${DOWNLOADED_MODEL_PATH} with yours (e.g. ~/Downloads/porcupine_params.pv).
npx pvbase64 -i ${DOWNLOADED_MODEL_PATH} -o src/porcupine_params.js
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  1. Run
yarn start
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Train Wake Word Models

  1. Sign up for Picovoice Console
  2. Visit Porcupine Page on Picovoice Console
  3. Select English
  4. Type in Hey Jarvis or the phrase you want.
  5. Test it out on your browser.
  6. When you are happy, click on the train button.
  7. Select Web (WASM) as the platform.
  8. Click on Download. A .zip file will be downloaded.
  9. Once you unzip, inside the folder, you see a .ppn a file. That's your speech model! Transform it into a base64 string. Don't forget to replace ${DOWNLOADED_PPN_PATH} with the path to downloaded file (e.g. ~/Downloads/Hey-Jarvis_en_wasm_v2_1_0/Hey-Jarvis_en_wasm_v2_1_0.ppn on my Ubuntu machine)
npx pvbase64 \
-o src/hey_jarvis.js \
-n heyJarvisKeywordModel
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Wire it up

  1. Copy your AccessKey from the Picovoice Console
  2. Create a file within src called VoiceWidget.js and paste the below into it. The code uses Porcupine's hook to create and start the wake word detection. Peplace ${ACCESS_KEY} with yours.
import {useEffect, useState} from "react";
import {usePorcupine} from "@picovoice/porcupine-react";
import heyJarvisKeywordModel from "./hey_jarvis"
import modelParams from "./porcupine_params";
export default function VoiceWidget() {
  const [keywordDetections, setKeywordDetections] = useState([]);
  const {
  } = usePorcupine();
  const initEngine = async () => {
    await init(
        "base64": heyJarvisKeywordModel,
        "label": "Hey Jarvis"
      {base64: modelParams}
  useEffect(() => {
    if (keywordDetection !== null) {
      setKeywordDetections((oldVal) =>
        [...oldVal, keywordDetection.label])
  }, [keywordDetection])
  return (
    <div className="voice-widget">
            onClick={() => initEngine()}
      {keywordDetections.length > 0 && (
          {, index) => (
            <li key={index}>{label}</li>
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  1. Modify the App.js to display the VoiceWidget and click start:
import './App.css';
import VoiceWidget from "./VoiceWidget";
function App() {
  return (
    <div className="App">
        Porcupine React Demo
      <VoiceWidget />
export default App;
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Looking for more?
Explore other languages on the Picovoice Console and check out for fully-working demos with Porcupine on GitHub.

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