When we are working on a project, we are writing a lot of documentation about the project, how works the application...
Depending on the documentation, generally technical people need access to, but sometimes you want to let it available for non-technical people. But they don't know how to use github (or don't have the access if it's a private project) or else to go to your markdown files.
So here are useful tools to be able to generate a static website from your markdown files.
Read the docs
Thanks to Socola Đại Ca for this one
Thanks to Roneo.org for this one
I hope it will help you!
Top comments (5)
I'm using Hugo daily on roneo.org, It's convincing and easily scalable for huge projects. It's often considered as the fastest engine for converting Markdown to HTML
Thanks for this new reference, I will add it to the post!
I recommend vuepress
Thanks for this reference, I didn't know it. I will add it to the list