In our job, it can be really useful to expose a bloc of code without execute it. Generally, we can use Markdown or some Wiki to do it. But sometimes, we want to use it on a website.
And in this case, HighlightJS is our savior!
What is HighlightJS?
It's a JavaScript syntax highlighter with language auto-detection and zero dependencies.
And currently 192 languages and 242 styles are implemented!
How to use it?
Once you've installed it (with NodeJS or basic JavaScript import), put some pre/code (Example just below) blocks with our code to show and that's it!
Otherwise, you can define which language to highlight
<pre><code class="language-html">...</code></pre>
or add a class to ignore some blocks.
<pre><code class="nohighlight">...</code></pre>
Their documentation is quite complete, so go check it if you want more informations!
- HighlightJS website :
I hope it will help you ! 🍺
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