A README.md file, the beginning of every project.
It's always a challenge to create a good README, when you are working on an open source project, or with a team. We always have a lot of questions in mind about what can we do, add, remove...
Should I add this information?
Is it too much?
Should I add a schema ?
So, to help you to have a good start on what you can do, should do and how to do it, here is Make a README project.
As we talk about for How to write a changelog?, this documentation will give you all the guide lines to create an efficient README.
But, if you have to share more informations, don't hesitate to create a more complete documentation in your project and expose it through link or by creating a documentation with MkDocs, Read the Docs ...
Also to help you to create your README, there is a ton a really cool tools to use, such as
ReadMe.so : To create your README with an online editor
Git badges : To display some important informations as badges
Github Stats : To display some informations about your github stats
... and so on!
You can check online, there is a bunch of tools and some git projects are listing them :
Now you have all the tools to create an efficient README! 🚀
If you need more inspiration, don't hesitate to check README files from other projects or check some posts. There is a lot of posts online which are talking about cool README designs.
I hope it will help you! 🍺
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