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Latex For Beginners Part 1

What is latex you may ask? LaTeX is like the HTML for academic documents, it's a scripted language used to define components for a document. If this makes absolutely no sense, trust me, keep reading and you'll understand.

Technical Requirements

You need some sort of tex compiler, and a text editor, personally I use texlive and VSCode respectively.


$ sudo apt install texlive-full
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Install here

Install here

First Document

Let's create a new file FirstDoc.tex, and let's add the following code:

% This is a comment 
% This defines the font size, paper size, and document class
% Document classes may be articles, book, beamer(slides)
\documentclass[11pt, letterpaper]{article}

% Your metadata, define title, author, and date
% in the preamble
\title{First Document}
\author{Your Name}

% start the document
\maketitle % create title page 
\pagenumbering{arabic} % either arabic or roman page numbering
\newpage % Create a new  blank page 
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Wow wow wow, that's a lot of mumbo jumbo, I think a lot of the comments explain the metadata quite well, so let's talk about the
\begin{}...\end{}, what is this?


Environments are essentially blocks of code that have a defined behaviour where everything between it's begin and end are part of the environment. Let's look at a few more environments that you'll regularly use.


Created a dotted list using itemize, so let's define it:

   \item An item 
   \item Another item
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Add this to your document, run pdflatex FirstDoc in your terminal and you'll see a FirstDoc.pdf you can open.

If you do enumerate instead of itemize, the list will be numbered instead of dotted.


Have everything centered using the center environment, so if we
have the following:

   This will all be centered
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But this isn't very useful if we don't understand sections, paragraphs, etc. So let's talk about that in the next part.

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