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Cover image for What was your win this week?
Jess Lee
Jess Lee

Posted on

What was your win this week?


Looking back on your week -- what was something you're proud of?

All wins count -- big or small πŸŽ‰

Examples of 'wins' include:

  • Getting a promotion!
  • Starting a new project
  • Fixing a tricky bug
  • Cleaning your house...or whatever else that may spark joy πŸ˜„

Happy Friday!

BTW - I'll be doing all the things associated with 'getting married' starting next week so Michael will be taking over the next three retro posts! You should follow him :)

Top comments (56)

theringleman profile image
Sam Ringleman

Well after 4 months at my job, I was told that I am a lead over an entire new api that we are building. Plus they gave me someone that I get to guide in the direction of the API. This is huge for me, I am so excited that I get to mentor someone!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern


theringleman profile image
Sam Ringleman

Thanks Ben!

chrislutz profile image
Christian Lutz

My current project ServerMonitor reached 10 stars on GitHub today! 😍

GitHub logo ChristianLutzCL / ServerMonitor

ServerMonitor is a web application for monitoring websites.


Build Status | Main branch

Build Status | Development branch

ServerMonitor is a web application for monitoring the status of web pages based on their response. It also gives you additional information about the website like IP adress, ping and the location of the web server.


What's the intention of this repository?

Mostly, the goal is to learn (more or less) everything about web development Starting from getting an idea what to build, over planning what to do next up to coding the actual application Also getting into working with others on such a project is something, I want to accomplish with this project.

Can I already contribute?

Simple answer - Yes Unfortunately, there are currently no contribution guidelines for this project and therefore there is no "correct way" to contribute. If you have an suggestion for something that could be improved, simply do a PR (Pull Request).

I'm happy about anyone who…

andrewbrooks profile image
Andrew Brooks πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»

Congrats! Hopefully I can get 2 stars one day 😜

chrislutz profile image
Christian Lutz

Thanks. :P
Simply make it more public! ;)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Make that 11 πŸ˜‰

chrislutz profile image
Christian Lutz

Nice! Thank you Ben! ✌😁

msfjarvis profile image
Harsh Shandilya

This is great!

kedar9 profile image

Make it 27! :)

chrislutz profile image
Christian Lutz

Wuuhu, awesome!
Thanks. :D

brob profile image
Bryan Robinson

I went from idea, to feedback to execution on my idea of doing Design Reviews for developers and beginning designers in less than a day.

I'm super excited by the feedback I've received and the amount of folks that were interested!

A big thanks to the DEV community for giving me the power to move it! Also on the back of it, I went from 85 followers on here to 215. That was an insane move in 24 hours for me.



In about a day of work :D

coreyja profile image
Corey Alexander

I think it's awesome how fast you turned around this idea and executed it!
Definitely an inspiration to do something similar for code reviews, keep your eyes peeled this weekend hopefully πŸ˜„

sarahscode profile image
Sarah Katz

I attended two women in tech networking events (networking is always hard for me).

(And congrats on the upcoming wedding! Wishing you and your future spouse all the best!)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

networking is always hard for me

Same. Congrats!

jackharner profile image
Jack Harner πŸš€

It's kinda small but I brought my lunch to work every day this week! Trying to save money by eating out less/only on weekends. Super stoked for the Green Chile Enchiladas I've got for today!

bconfortin profile image
Bruno Goerck Confortin

I am a frontend developer with 4,5 years of experience.

I recently switched jobs and I passed my first performance evaluation (first 45 days). My boss said: "You behaved exactly like I thought you would."

I was like: "Oh God!".

She continues: "You brought into our company your former work experience, which is very positive, and you are always willing to help, always available. All I can say to you is: keep doing that."

I felt very proud of myself :D

ben profile image
Ben Halpern


stacy_cash profile image
Stacy Cashmore

Introduced a student that is working with us to strong pair programming and managed to finish some work together in a couple of hours, and show him the difference between really clever code, and code that you will be able to read in a couple of months πŸ˜ƒ

mazentouati profile image
Mazen Touati

This is my win this week

I was very excited about contributing to '' but the fact that I'm not a ruby developer made me hesitate. Fortunately I can contribute to the client-side part. Also, this made me consider learning Ruby in the near future.

lauragift21 profile image
Gift Egwuenu

Yay Congrats Jess!! πŸŽ‰

My win for this week is that I got the Big Thread Badge which is very exciting. πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ

jfincher42 profile image
Jon Fincher

Got new running shoes and managed to put in four runs this week so far. Ready to start marathon training again!

Oh, and finished a paying project, sent out the invoice, and started on new one I've been wanting to work on for a while.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Our pup Ruby doesn't have a DEV account (yet), but she got her very own Instagram account this week: (I'm a Facebook critic, but haven't yet cut ties to the ecosystem 😬)

I tweet a lot about her too:

lightalloy profile image
Anna Buianova

I've started writing regularly this week after a while πŸ’ͺ, mostly to my Telegram channel [ru]

lightalloy profile image
Anna Buianova
jess profile image
Jess Lee

Go Anna!

Thread Thread
lightalloy profile image
Anna Buianova

Thanks for your support! πŸ’™

quii profile image
Chris James

Learned about bash traps.

Extremely useful for cleaning up your scripts but still want them to return whatever exit code you want.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -e

function finish {
  docker-compose down
trap finish EXIT

docker-compose down
docker-compose up --build --abort-on-container-exit --exit-code-from acceptance_test acceptance_test

gypsydave5 profile image
David Wickes • Edited


# bconv
# converts integers from one base to another
# defaults to base 10 for input and base 10 for output
# bases in the range of 2 to 16 only


print_usage() {
  printf "Usage: bconv [-i input_base] [-o output_base] number\n"

while getopts ':i:o:h' flag; do
  case "${flag}" in
    i) i_flag="$OPTARG";;
    o) o_flag="$OPTARG";;
    h) print_usage
       exit 0 ;;
shift $((OPTIND-1))

if [ "$1" == "" ]; then
  exit 1

# clean the input - dc can only accept upper case letters for numbers
input=$(echo $1| tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')

# use dc(1) for the calculation
dc -e "$o_flag o $i_flag i $input p"

Been reading/writing about dc(1) and thought I'd try and build something with it... it's probably easier just to remember

dc -e '2 o 16 i DEADBEEF p'

but it was fun

jtenner profile image
jtenner • Edited

Got a big pull request done on my testing software!

GitHub logo jtenner / as-pect

Blazing Fast Testing with AssemblyScript πŸŽ‰


Greenkeeper badge Build Status Coverage Status

Write your module in TypeScript and get blazing fast testing with web assembly speeds!


Testing is the first step of every project. It's important to make sure that the library or app you've chosen to become responsible for works in the manner you wish to have it work. It only takes a few minutes to get setup even if the benefits are transparent.


To install as-pect, install the latest version from github. Once AssemblyScript becomes more stable, as-pect will be published to npm.

$ npm install jtenner/as-pect

To initialize a test suite, run npx asp --init. It will create the following folders and files.

$ npx asp --init
# It will create the following folders if they don't exist
C ./assembly/
C ./assembly/__tests__/
# The as-pect types file will be created here if it doesn't exist
C ./assembly/__tests__/as-pect.d.ts
# An example test file will be