DEV Community

Anna Buianova profile picture

Anna Buianova

software developer (web, ruby)

Location Vologda, Russia Joined Joined on  Personal website github website twitter website


Vologda State University


Software Developer

Writing Debut
Seven Year Club
Trusted Member 2022
2 Week Community Wellness Streak
1 Week Community Wellness Streak
Five Year Club
Four Year Club
Beloved Comment
She Coded 2020
Three Year Club
Hacktoberfest 2019
Top 7
Improve Your Sleep (as a Developer) 💤

Improve Your Sleep (as a Developer) 💤

Comments 19
6 min read

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Anna still codes

Anna still codes

Comments 6
2 min read
What to read to fall in love with math 💚

What to read to fall in love with math 💚

Comments 18
3 min read
Getting more value from reading

Getting more value from reading

Comments 4
3 min read
Do you use time-tracking for work or for your personal time?

Do you use time-tracking for work or for your personal time?

Comments 43
1 min read
How to read more books 📚

How to read more books 📚

Comments 13
2 min read
Joining the DEV team ✅

Joining the DEV team ✅

Comments 15
1 min read
Learning to love software development books 💙

Learning to love software development books 💙

Comments 43
2 min read
Nevertheless, Anna Buianova Coded

Nevertheless, Anna Buianova Coded

Comments 1
3 min read