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Hasan Zohdy
Hasan Zohdy

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41-Nodejs Course 2023: Working With Models data

So we made such an amazing progress with the query builder and our crud model, but we still so far didn't work with the Model's concept itself, which is working the a single collection document.

Reminder about Models

Models are the way we can work with a single document in a collection, and we can use them to modify the document's data by updating, unset-ing, replacing or even destroying the document, what differs from the CrudModel operations is that Crud operations works from data coming from outside, unlike the model which will perform over its internal document.

Let's see an example to illustrate it

// src/app/users/routes.ts
import User from './models/user';

// in the set time out method

const user = new User();

// now we' just created an empty model, with no data at all 

const userWithData = new User({
  name: 'hasan',
  age: 23,
  email: ''

// now we have a model with data, but it's not saved yet

// let's save it


// we can then change the data and re-save it

userWithData.set('name', 'Ali');

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Now you can see what i meant by working with models internally, we can create a model with data, and then save it, and then change the data and save it again, and so on.

Model Data And Original Data

So we are receiving the document's data in the constructor, which holds the current data of the model either by passing it from our create method or by creating a new model instance directly, this where we'll call it the originalData of the model, and we'll use it to compare the current data with the original data to know if we need to update the document or not.

Model Class

Now let's use our Model class to manage the data, if you remember we set the constructor in the BaseModel let's move it to our model class.

// src/core/database/model/model.ts
import CrudModel from "./curd-model";
import { Document, ModelDocument } from "./types";

export default abstract class Model extends CrudModel {
   * Current data
  public data: Partial<ModelDocument> = {};

   * Constructor
  public constructor(public originalData: Partial<ModelDocument> = {}) {
    super(); = { ...this.originalData };
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What we did here we received the model data and stored it in originalData property, and also we assigned it to the data property, so we can use it to modify the data, and then we can compare it with the originalData to know if we need to update the document or not.

calling super in the constructor is important, because we are extending the CrudModel class, and we need to call the constructor of the parent class, that's how inheritance works in Javascript.

Model Methods

Now, let's think what kind of methods we can use to update the model's data.

  • set: to set a value to a key.
  • unset: to remove a key or more from the data.
  • replaceWith: to replace the entire data with the given ones.
  • merge: to merge the given data with the current data.
  • get: to get a value from the data, or return default value if key not found.
  • has: to check if a key exists in the data.
  • except: to get all data except the given keys.
  • only: to get only the given keys from the data.
  • save: to save the data to the database.

Now let's start implementing them.


The set method receives two parameters, the key and the value, and it will set the value to the key in the data.

The key can be written in dot.notation syntax as well.

// src/core/database/model/model.ts
import { set } from "@mongez/reinforcements";
import CrudModel from "./curd-model";
import { Document, ModelDocument } from "./types";

export default abstract class Model extends CrudModel {
   * Current data
  public data: Partial<ModelDocument> = {};

   * Constructor
  public constructor(public originalData: Partial<ModelDocument> = {}) {
    super(); = { ...this.originalData };

   * Set the value of the given key to the data list
  public set(key: string, value?: any) {
    set(, key, value);

    return this;
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We added a method called set it receives two parameters, the key and the value, and it will set the value to the key in the data.

We used set utility to set the key deeply in the given object.

Let's see an example of usage:

import User from './models/user';

const user = new User();

user.set('name', 'hasan').set('', 'Cairo');

console.log(; // { name: 'hasan', address: { city: 'Cairo' } }
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The unset method receives one or more keys, and it will remove them from the data.

// src/core/database/model/model.ts
import { except, set } from "@mongez/reinforcements";
import CrudModel from "./curd-model";
import { Document, ModelDocument } from "./types";

export default abstract class Model extends CrudModel {
   * Current data
  public data: Partial<ModelDocument> = {};

   * Constructor
  public constructor(public originalData: Partial<ModelDocument> = {}) {
    super(); = { ...this.originalData };

   * Set the value of the given key to the data list
  public set(key: string, value?: any) {
    set(, key, value);

    return this;

   * Unset the given keys from the data
  public unset(...keys: string[]) { = except(, keys);

    return this;
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We added a method called unset it receives one or more keys, and it will remove them from the data.

We used except utility to remove the given keys from the object.

Let's see an example of usage:

import User from './models/user';

const user = new User();

user.set('name', 'hasan').set('', 'Cairo');

console.log(; // { name: 'hasan', address: { city: 'Cairo' } }

user.unset('name', '');

console.log(; // {}
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The replaceWith method receives the new data, and it will replace the current data with the new one.

// src/core/database/model/model.ts
import { except, set } from "@mongez/reinforcements";
import CrudModel from "./curd-model";
import { Document, ModelDocument } from "./types";

export default abstract class Model extends CrudModel {
  // ..

   * Replace the data with the given data entirely
  public replaceWith(data: Partial<ModelDocument>) {
    const newData = { };

    // if the given data has no id but current model has one, then inject it in the data
    if (! && { =;

    // if the given data has no _id but current model has one, then inject it in the data
    if (!newData._id && {
      newData._id =;
    } = newData;

    return this;
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We added a method called replace it receives the new data, and it will replace the current data with the new one.

We used the spread operator to clone the given data, and then we checked if the given data has no id but the current model has one, then we injected it in the data, and the same for _id.

Let's see an example of usage:

import User from './models/user';

const user = new User();

user.set('name', 'hasan').set('', 'Cairo');

console.log(; // { name: 'hasan', address: { city: 'Cairo' } }

user.replace({ name: 'Hassan' });

console.log(; // { name: 'Hassan' }
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The merge method receives the new data, and it will merge the current data with the new one.

// src/core/database/model/model.ts
import { except, merge, set } from "@mongez/reinforcements";
import CrudModel from "./curd-model";
import { Document, ModelDocument } from "./types";

export default abstract class Model extends CrudModel {
  // ..
   * Merge the data with the given object
  public merge(data: Document) { = merge(, data);

    return this;
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We added a method called merge it receives the new data, and it will merge the current data with the new one.

We used merge utility to merge the given data with the current data, it will have a one additional feature than using the spread operator, it will merge the objects deeply.

Let's see an example of usage:

import User from './models/user';

const user = new User();

user.set('name', 'hasan').set('', 'Cairo');

console.log(; // { name: 'hasan', address: { city: 'Cairo' } }

user.merge({ name: 'Hassan', address: { country: 'Egypt' } });

console.log(; // { name: 'Hassan', address: { city: 'Cairo', country: 'Egypt' } }
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The get method receives one parameter, the key, and it will return the value of the given key.

// src/core/database/model/model.ts
import { except, get, merge, set } from "@mongez/reinforcements";
import CrudModel from "./curd-model";
import { Document, ModelDocument } from "./types";

export default abstract class Model extends CrudModel {
  // ..
   * Get the value of the given key or return default value if key does not exist
  public get(key: string, defaultValue: any = null) {
    return get(, key, defaultValue);
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We added a method called get it receives one parameter, the key, and it will return the value of the given key.

We used get utility to get the value of the given key.

Let's see an example of usage:

import User from './models/user';

const user = new User();

user.set('name', 'hasan').set('', 'Cairo');

console.log(user.get('name')); // 'hasan'
console.log(user.get('')); // 'Cairo'
console.log(user.get('', 'Egypt')); // 'Egypt'
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The has method receives one parameter, the key, and it will return true if the given key exists in the data, otherwise it will return false.

// src/core/database/model/model.ts
import { except, get, merge, set } from "@mongez/reinforcements";
import CrudModel from "./curd-model";
import { Document, ModelDocument } from "./types";

const MISSING_KEY = Symbol("MISSING_KEY");

export default abstract class Model extends CrudModel {
  // ..

   * Check if the given key exists in the data
  public has(key: string) {
    return this.get(key, MISSING_KEY) === MISSING_KEY;
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We used here something kind of new in our code base, we used a symbol to represent a missing key, and we used it to check if the given key exists in the data or not.

Let's see an example of usage:

import User from './models/user';

const user = new User();

user.set('name', 'hasan').set('', 'Cairo');

console.log(user.has('name')); // true
console.log(user.has('')); // false
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The except method receives one parameter, the keys, and it will return a new object without the given keys.

// src/core/database/model/model.ts
import { except, get, merge, set } from "@mongez/reinforcements";
import CrudModel from "./curd-model";
import { Document, ModelDocument } from "./types";

const MISSING_KEY = Symbol("MISSING_KEY");

export default abstract class Model extends CrudModel {
  // ..
   * Get a new object without the given keys
  public except(keys: string[]) {
    return except(, keys);
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We added a method called except it receives one parameter, the keys, and it will return a new object without the given keys.

We used except utility to get a new object without the given keys.

Let's see an example of usage:

import User from './models/user';

const user = new User();

user.set('name', 'hasan').set('', 'Cairo');

console.log(user.except(['name'])); // { address: { city: 'Cairo' } }
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The only method receives one parameter, the keys, and it will return a new object with only the given keys.

// src/core/database/model/model.ts
import { except, get, merge, only, set } from "@mongez/reinforcements";
import CrudModel from "./curd-model";
import { Document, ModelDocument } from "./types";

const MISSING_KEY = Symbol("MISSING_KEY");

export default abstract class Model extends CrudModel {
  // ..
   * Get a new object with only the given keys
  public only(keys: string[]) {
    return only(, keys);
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We added a method called only it receives one parameter, the keys, and it will return a new object with only the given keys.

We used only utility to get a new object with only the given keys.

Let's see an example of usage:

import User from './models/user';

const user = new User();

user.set('name', 'hasan').set('', 'Cairo');

console.log(user.only(['name'])); // { name: 'hasan' }
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🎨 Conclusion

In this article, we made a quick recap about the concept of Models as a model it works with only one single document, we also defined a new property called originalData which will hold the original data of the document, and we added some methods to the model to make it easier to work with the data.

In our next article, we'll see the save method and how it will work with the database.

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