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Jeff Triplett (he/him) for Django News

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Django News #175- htmx 1.9.0 released


htmx 1.9.0 has been released!

htmx 1.9.0 has been released, which includes new features such as support for view transitions and generalized inline event handling via the new hx-on attribute, as well as improvements and bug fixes.

PSF News: The EU's Proposed CRA Law May Have Unintended Consequences for the Python Ecosystem

The PSF has expressed concerns about the proposed Cyber Resilience Act and Product Liability Act, stating that the policies could unintentionally harm users and put the health of the open-source software community at risk.

GitHub Accelerator: our first cohort and what's next

GitHub Accelerator, a program that fosters sustainable open-source projects, has announced its first cohort of 20 projects and 32 participants worldwide. Among the diverse projects selected are htmx, Strawberry, and Datasette, all of which have ties to the Django community.

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Upgrade Django

Upgrade Django is a simple cheat sheet to Django versions and releases with additional observations from REVSYS on the most exciting highlights, gotchas, and other information from their extensive experience upgrading clients' Django applications.


Building an Intelligent Education Platform with OpenAI, ChatGPT, and Django

An article describes leveraging artificial intelligence technology such as GPT-3 and ChatGPT to build an intelligent education platform using Django. The tutorial covers the fundamentals of Large Language Models, indexing, training a model on a blog post, developing an API capable of answering questions about the blog post and creating a user interface for interacting with the API.

Filtering rows every 5 days with the Django ORM

Good explanation with code of how to fetch records that occur every X days when you're working with timestamped data.

Making Python 100x faster with less than 100 lines of Rust

This article describes how a Python library used for mathematical and geometrical operations in a 3D processing pipeline was made 100x faster with less than 100 lines of Rust, using NumPy and other scientific Python packages to address a performance issue.

Using Unpoly with Django

An article advocates for the use of Unpoly as an alternative to frontend frameworks like React and Vue, which can add unnecessary complexity to projects, and describes how to integrate Unpoly with Django for UX enhancements, such as modals, navigation, and form submissions without full page reloads.

Improve your Django Code with pre-commit

An article introduces pre-commit, a developer tool that automates the process of checking code for errors and issues before committing it to a repository, and explains how to set it up and use it to catch bugs, sort imports based on PEP recommendations, and lint code for better readability in Django projects.


PyGotham TV 2023 Tickets

PyGotham is a New York City/virtual-based, eclectic, Py-centric conference covering many topics. Tickets are free.

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Django for Beginners/APIs/Professionals

Level up your Django knowledge with Django for Beginners, Django for APIs, or Django for Professionals, or gift it to a friend. Sample chapters are available to preview for free. Bundle discount available!


PyCascades 2023

PyCascades 2023 videos are up!


Django Chat #137: Being a Productive Developer with Nick Janetakis

We welcome back Nick and discuss upgrading to Django 4.2, developer tooling, balancing multiple projects, and how to be productive as a modern web developer.



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