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Erin Bensinger for The DEV Team

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#DEVDiscuss: Optimizing Dockerfiles

Time for #DEVDiscuss — right here on DEV 😎

Inspired by @er_dward's Top 7 post, tonight’s topic is...optimizing Dockerfiles 🐳

According to the post...

Leveraging Docker's caching mechanism and multistage builds can result in significant enhancements in Dockerfile efficiency for a Laravel PHP application using Yarn and Nginx. With a better understanding of these mechanisms, developers can craft Dockerfiles that build faster, produce smaller images, and thus, reduce resource usage.


  • What tools, tips, and tricks have you used to optimize Dockerfiles?
  • Have you used any non-Docker solutions for efficient container development?
  • Any triumphs, fail whales, or other stories you'd like to share on this topic?

Top comments (3)

tbroyer profile image
Thomas Broyer

One thing people often forget: installing packages/dependencies will (generally) keep download caches that are totally useless at runtime: npm ci, pip install, etc. but also apt-get.

One thing I like to do: use BuildKit's --mount on RUN stages to put those cache dirs outside the image. You can use a cache mount to keep those between builds, or tmpfs mounts for truely volatile storage.

Do the same with bind mounts instead of COPYing a file to process and delete it in a following RUN (such as copying an archive to then extract and delete it)

Also, use Dive to analyse your images and find bloat. Not only those files overwritten in a subsequent layer (that Dive automatically detects), but also those files you shouldn't have added to your layers (such as those download caches)

pavelee profile image
Paweł Ciosek
  • put the most changeable layers on the end of docker file. It will speed up building, rebuilding only changed layers.
  • analyze weights of your layers using "docker history". It will show you size of each layer. Great hint where to start optimize, eg. not necessary packages
  • Add dockerignore file, there you can specify what should not be places in the container. For example some cash file, binary etc. Lack of a dockerignore file is the most common mistake
  • put together in a one layer installation of packages (eg. apt-get install) and after that add after installation cache clear in the same layer. It will reduce the final size.
  • use alpine base images, it's super light weight OS <3
  • When you prepare your production image, copy what is really necessary to run your app
ervin_szilagyi profile image
Ervin Szilagyi

What tools, tips, and tricks have you used to optimize Dockerfiles?

I wrote a blog post a while ago about optimizing the size (and also build speed) of the containers for AWS Lambdas written in Rust:

Some obvious tricks and tips:

  1. Use multi-stage images
  2. Cache build folders
  3. Use smaller images (distroless or even scratch)

Have you used any non-Docker solutions for efficient container development?

Yes, while I was writing my other blog post:

I used Podman and LXC/LXD.

Any triumphs, fail whales, or other stories you'd like to share on this topic?

I guess 2 blog posts should be enough, although, I have even more stories for anybody interested. :)