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Daniel Diaz for Developer Road

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👨‍💻Best VsCode extensions for Python Developers🐍

Why do you need good tools for create software? 🤔

Short answer

Really you don't, in fact you only need something to write code, and something for run it.

So what's the reason to spend time searching for the best tools?

Although you don't need anything extraordinary to build awesome applications, the tools that you use everyday help you to make it faster and with less errors. As a result you create better software in less time.

Currently one of the most used code editors is VScode, offered by Microsoft. I know that some of you are afraid of Microsoft as company, but lastly it has been one of the best organizations that are supporting the software developing environment. From Github, to Azure and as I mentioned the best code editor in the earth.

Best extensions in Vscode for Python apps.

Note: For install extensions run the command palette with Ctrl + p and paste the installation command. If you can't (For any reason), just search the extension name in the
extensions tab.


The must have extension: ms-python

It has a lot of features like Intellisense, Formatting, debugging, snippets, etc ...

Also it installs for you the jupyter notebook extension!



ext install ms-python.python
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Python snippets

This extension give you a lot of abbreviations to avoid writing by yourself the same thing many times.Python snippets


ext install frhtylcn.pythonsnippets
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Python Docstrings

Documentation is important, and this extension allows you to create beautiful docstrings for you functions/classes: docstring generator



ext install njpwerner.autodocstring
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Python indent

Fix Python indentation each time you press Enter: Python indent



ext install KevinRose.vsc-python-indent
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Python testing

If you are creating large applications, you'll need tests for ensure that the code works properly. This extension allows you to run your tests directly from the VScode UI: Python test explorer



ext install LittleFoxTeam.vscode-python-test-adapter
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Real time Python Runner

Writing small applications requires rapid output checking. With this extension you can see the output of a python a file changing in real time: AREPL for python



ext install almenPython frameworks extensionson.arepl
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General purpose extensions

These extensions help you to create code effortlessly.

Indent Rainbow

This extension colorizes the indentation of your python file. It results really useful when the code has a lot of nested levels. Indent rainbow



ext install oderwat.indent-rainbow
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Better comments

This extension help you to create better comments, by highlighting special parts like TODO's, paramaters and queries. Better comments



ext install aaron-bond.better-comments
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Git lens

Working with Git? This extension give you super powers working with Git. Git lens



ext install eamodio.gitlens
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Extensions for Python frameworks

Django template language

The django extension allows you to create clean and well highlighted DTL templates. Django


Extension tip: This extension only works if you modify your settings file and add this json keys:

# SETTINGS_FOLDER/User/settings.json

"files.associations": {
    "**/*.html": "html",
    "**/templates/**/*.html": "django-html",
    "**/templates/**/*": "django-txt",
    "**/requirements{/**,*}.{txt,in}": "pip-requirements"
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ext install batisteo.vscode-django
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Django snippets

Curated snippets for develop Django apps.Django snippets


ext install bibhasdn.django-snippets
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Beautify your workspace

You should make beautiful, the space you use many hours a day.

So let's take a look and what you can do:

Installing icons

Install the Vscode icons and you'll access to a bunch of file extensions icons.


Here is my preferred theme:



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Any extension I left out of this list?, please let me know in the comments!

Top comments (8)

lesha profile image
lesha 🟨⬛️ • Edited

Fix Python indentation each time you press Enter

Do you really need that? VSC will try to use autopep8 anyway, you just need to enable "format on save", and that's all.

git lens

I don't really use gitlens (apart from Blame), because 95% terminal is more convenient, but I frequently use mhutchie.git-graph extension which is less chaotic than git log --graph

stokry profile image


danidiaztech profile image
Daniel Diaz


rsajdok profile image

Good explanation

danidiaztech profile image
Daniel Diaz


pzelnip profile image
Adam Parkin

Good list! FYI though the command for Python indent seems incorrect, as it's the same one as for autodocstring.

danidiaztech profile image
Daniel Diaz

Totally true. Fixed 😀

danidiaztech profile image
Daniel Diaz

Any feedback?