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Cover image for Wizar devlog 12 - Ravioli refactor and PIXI.js begins
Daniel Neveux
Daniel Neveux

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Wizar devlog 12 - Ravioli refactor and PIXI.js begins

This week I started a big refactoring of ravioli to change a fondamental behavior of the reaction system.
At the result, the reaction will be more atomic which is why I first start this project. If I want to change one player name in a list of 1000 players, I don't want observers who listened to the entire players list refresh as well.

My brother experimented Ravioli here and here to mimic a submachine gun fire/reload and some pattern recognitions. It was a cool experience because it is the first time someone else deep dives into Ravioli. I have noticed some improvements to add:

  • add default acceptor to reduce the boilerplate (when it is just a set value)
  • retains action names which leads to the new step and inject them in the delta state

I also notice the need to have a component tree, which is on my todo list after this big refactor.

Also I played with pixi.js for the first time for futur tutorial improvement :) This was a great experience and fits well with Ravioli.

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