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Cameron Thompson
Cameron Thompson

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100 Days of Code (Next.js)

My Commitment

I commit to following the rules of 100 Days of Code to the best of my abilities. I will code for a minimum of ah hour for every day for the next 100 days.

What I am Doing

I am using these next 100 days to learn, explore, and build with Next.js! I have been using React.js for a while now, and I am excited to explore what Next.js has to offer.

I have a couple of projects in mind that I want to develop in Next.js to help me learn.

I have made a project board in to track my progress. You can see it here: My Board!
Hopefully when you check it out, you can see my active progress! There is a card labeled Sign in Sheet, go ahead and drop a comment and say hello and connect with others! (please be respectful 🙂)

My Hopes

My hope while I am working on this challenge, is to become a better developer in a few ways, planning, documenting, and learning from others.


On my board you will see that I have a some plans to make further plans on the projects that I will be working on. In the past, I generally just jump into a project with very little of a plan, this leads to scope creep that derails me often. I hope that I can plan better and stick to it so I can finish my projects!


I hardly add comments in my code, and my commit messages are neglected as well. During these next 100 days I hope to write good code comments and commit messages. In addition to those, I will also write a small summary of what I have done for the day, which can be found here on my site! I will also tweet a very short tl;dr on twitter with a link to the full article.

Learning from Others

I get stuck. A lot. Often times out of arrogance when it comes to reading documentation, a little bit of ignorance sprinkled in there. I am apart of the Learn Build Teach discord chanel, which is an awesome community to get help for all things web dev related! I will be able to ask questions there as well as other outlets like twitter or

Final Thoughts

I know this journey will not be easy, I know there will be some blockers that get in my way. I need your help to keep me accountable to this challenge. I genuinely do! I appreciate it! Happy Coding!

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