DEV Community

Ben Halpern
Ben Halpern

Posted on

What new language/tool/etc. have you been meaning to learn but haven't gotten around to yet?

Oldest comments (117)

laurieontech profile image

Vue! Started to play around with it yesterday :D

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

First impressions?

laurieontech profile image

I will still never be a fan of functions that start with $, it seems unreadable. I'm more likely to use the mounted function instead of $mount as I result.

I really like how lightweight the configuration is. And it feels pretty intuitive without a lot of extra context/bloat to understand.

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romedu profile image

I bet you hated Jquery.

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laurieontech profile image

Haha, I accepted it! But I like the direction things are moving in terms of readability.

katieadamsdev profile image
Katie Adams

Only to a beginner level but I had a crack at Vue recently and - as my first attempt at using a framework - was pleasantly surprised! How're you finding it?

laurieontech profile image

I'm liking it. It's certainly fast to get up and running/start to use.

desi profile image
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laurieontech profile image

It’s a great one for sure :)

jaakidup profile image

Yay, it's quick to get going, but it's also quite powerful as you dig in further.

samuraiseoul profile image
Sophie The Lionhart

How do you feel about single file components? I think that's the best thing coupled with the scoped css.

laurieontech profile image

I’m amenable to both!

nickforall profile image
Nick Vernij

I want to play around with sometime soon

mebble profile image
Neil Syiemlieh

GraphQL. The hype makes me wanna join in, but I just don't feel like I need it yet. I guess I just haven't worked on any project large enough to warrant it

jacobmgevans profile image
Jacob Evans

You could try creating a standalone GraphQL API instead of a RESTful one. One of the jobs I did the only thing Express was doing was running Apollo server, everything else was pure GraphQL API.

kenbellows profile image
Ken Bellows

A fun experiment to try it out is to find a public REST API, ideally something that can be modeled with some sort of type system (my recommendation: the PokéAPI), run some queries to get familiar with it, then build a GraphQL layer in front of it. Gets you familiarized with GraphQL types and resolvers and such. There's a slight learning curve at the beginning, but it's not bad, and it's a very nice interface to query once it's set up!

mebble profile image
Neil Syiemlieh

Awesome suggestion. I'll definitely try this out

laurieontech profile image

If you want a really clean way to play around with GraphQL make a Gatsby project and throw in some kind of static content.
When you spin up the project for development it generates an additional localhost endpoint that consists of a stand alone GraphQL playground (think postman for REST).

mebble profile image
Neil Syiemlieh

A Gatsby + GraphQL combo is exactly what I had in mind when thinking of learning graphQL :D

tushark1 profile image
Tushar Khubani

I would personally suggest you to start with a crud project involving authentication and authorisation. Covers pretty much the basic necessities for a base.

haruanm profile image
Haruan Justino

Elixir with Poenix framework, didn't have time to first impressions yet, but its seems that the active record(ecto) is a bit hard to get used with.

nickforall profile image
Nick Vernij

I liked ecto a lot when I first started using it, because its API is very explicit i was able to pick it up quickly, especially compared to activerecord.

haruanm profile image
Haruan Justino

Great to know, I'm comming from python/Django, hope I have the same feeling that you had.

jacobmgevans profile image
Jacob Evans

I am planning on learning TypeScript - but have not found anything I really like yet as a tutorial or explanation.

GraphQL in depth - I know it but I want to become a deeper expert along with React

crenshaw_dev profile image
Michael Crenshaw

Not so new, but Ruby. I understand it's a really clean-feeling language. But I'm worried JS/TS will leave it behind.

mealeyst profile image
Shawn Mealey

Been meaning to pick it up here too. I feel like a lot of folks still like it's syntax over Javascript/Typescript so I think it will still have a place for a while to come. I still haven't gotten over the syntax yet, and our codebase has a bunch of things going on where I feel like I am just intimidated.

rhymes profile image

Don't see Ruby disappearing anytime soon so learn away!

somedood profile image
Basti Ortiz

I don't really have a need for it yet, but learning Python is in my bucket list. I've heard so many good things from it. Perhaps I could learn it to automate much of my daily tasks... 🤔

gablaroche profile image
Gabriel Laroche

Golang! I started to read a few books on O'Reilly, but haven't coded in it yet

gypsydave5 profile image
David Wickes

Just going to leave this here...

gablaroche profile image
Gabriel Laroche

Well well well, don't mind if I do

flrnd profile image
Florian Rand

I'm finishing The Go Programming Language, a bit dense sometimes, but a good must have.

adyngom profile image
Ady Ngom

React plus Python 🐍 I always get a start but can’t find the time to go in depth

rhymes profile image

That's a lot! React and Python both bring with themselves a lot of stuff to learn, doing them together might be quite a feat 😂

adyngom profile image
Ady Ngom

Indeed I think I will stick with React for now as a JS guy this has the most direct impact. There were just a nice deal on a Mosh Hamedani course on Python that was hard to resist 😂
Alright I’m going back and staying in my Javascript lane 😀

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rhymes profile image

No no be in all the lanes, just take it easy 😂😂

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adyngom profile image
Ady Ngom

I wish indeed 😉 Bandwidth is hard to come by these days. But in reality I’m very proficient with Angular and I want to work my way up that way with React . Python would be more of a hobby at this point something to learn with my kid during her school vacation.

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rhymes profile image

Python would be more of a hobby at this point something to learn with my kid during her school vacation.

That would be lovely indeed!

chathula profile image
Chathula Sampath

Flutter. Started to learn it.bit like a js callback hell.

katieadamsdev profile image
Katie Adams

Python. Picked up a Raspberry Pi and can see it being a great opportunity to start learning it.

blueturtle13g profile image

Kotlin, started to learn a week ago, but got too busy!

xo121 profile image

I've always wanted to learn how to make Chrome extensions.

obsessiveprogrammer profile image
Tom Bonanno

Rust. Been seeing lots of hype about it lately and started reading up and going through the getting started stuff.

mebble profile image
Neil Syiemlieh

I've also considered starting Rust soon, been going through their tutorials. What I love most about it is how well documented and thought out it seems to be

dbanty profile image
Dylan Anthony

Rust is a very complicated language to learn and also so worth it. After going through their tutorial (which is the best language tutorial I’ve ever encountered), it is my favorite programming language.

glennmen profile image
Glenn Carremans

Vue: I have been mostly focused on backend (PHP/Laravel) but want to spend some time in learning more frontend frameworks.

Kotlin: I am an Android dev but unfortunately I have not been able to work in Kotlin yet, for the last 2 years I have worked mostly on big legacy applications that are written in Java.

rhymes profile image

Judging from the direction Android dev is going I'd prioritize Kotlin, you can also contribute to the newly released DEV Android app in the meantime 😂

glennmen profile image
Glenn Carremans

Very true! I hope to be able to help a lot in the future development of the DEV Android app.
So many interesting things to learn everywhere 😂 hard to prioritise, Kotlin, Vue, tailwindCSS, SASS, ... Lol the list can go on. But for sure will try to focus on Kotlin.

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rhymes profile image

Ahahah the infamous "stuff to learn" list

dbanty profile image
Dylan Anthony

And to that point, it may be worth looking at Google’s own Flutter which they are pushing in very hard. Haven’t decided how I feel about Dart yet, but it’s very familiar and easy to pick up.

dbanty profile image
Dylan Anthony

It’s very easy to mix in Kotlin to existing Java code bases! I’ve done it several times now in Android apps and I’m far from an expert Android dev.