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Ken Bellows profile picture

Ken Bellows

Full-time web dev; JS lover since 2002; CSS fanatic. #CSSIsAwesome I try to stay up with new web platform features. Web feature you don't understand? Tell me! I'll write an article! He/him

Location Baltimore, MD, USA Joined Joined on  github website twitter website


BS Computer Science, RPI


Software Developer

Six Year Club
Writing Debut
Five Year Club
Trusted Member 2022
1 Week Community Wellness Streak
Four Year Club
Three Year Club
Codeland:Distributed 2020
Two Year Club
Fab 5
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One Year Club a method I wish I knew about a long time ago a method I wish I knew about a long time ago

Comments 13
7 min read

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What's your preferred Node.js testing setup?

What's your preferred Node.js testing setup?

Comments 3
2 min read
My confusions about TypeScript

My confusions about TypeScript

Comments 70
4 min read
Chromium and the browser monoculture problem

Chromium and the browser monoculture problem

Comments 49
12 min read
AskDev: Real-time group project collaboration tools?

AskDev: Real-time group project collaboration tools?

Comments 5
2 min read
What cool ideas have you seen for integrating new team members?

What cool ideas have you seen for integrating new team members?

Comments 17
2 min read
"currentColor", the first CSS variable

"currentColor", the first CSS variable

Comments 7
7 min read
Do you use a CSS framework based on CSS Grid?

Do you use a CSS framework based on CSS Grid?

Comments 36
1 min read
Rewriting an old project! Part 2: JavaScript

Rewriting an old project! Part 2: JavaScript

Comments 17
14 min read
Rewriting an old project! Part 1: HTML & CSS

Rewriting an old project! Part 1: HTML & CSS

Comments 2
9 min read
Flex items are not grid columns

Flex items are not grid columns

Comments 3
8 min read
Stop using so many divs! An intro to semantic HTML

Stop using so many divs! An intro to semantic HTML

Comments 132
12 min read
How streams can simplify your life

How streams can simplify your life

10 min read
Is there a good way to find out when your article is shared around?

Is there a good way to find out when your article is shared around?

Comments 17
1 min read
A few Python REPL config tricks

A few Python REPL config tricks

Comments 3
4 min read
Gradians and Turns: the quiet heroes of CSS angles

Gradians and Turns: the quiet heroes of CSS angles

Comments 8
6 min read
How should we indent `const` declarations?

How should we indent `const` declarations?

Comments 14
2 min read
Why we need CSS subgrid

Why we need CSS subgrid

Comments 36
13 min read
Advice for online grad school with a busy life?

Advice for online grad school with a busy life?

Comments 4
1 min read
CSS Grid Areas are amazing

CSS Grid Areas are amazing

Comments 11
8 min read
The JavaScript Iteration Protocols and How They Fit In

The JavaScript Iteration Protocols and How They Fit In

Comments 3
12 min read
JavaScript vs. Python: Default Function Parameter Values

JavaScript vs. Python: Default Function Parameter Values

Comments 1
4 min read