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Cover image for 🌇China Community Day: Yu Wong (AWS Solution Architect) Generative AI

🌇China Community Day: Yu Wong (AWS Solution Architect) Generative AI

More Photos of AWS COMMUNITY DAY in China (Shen Zhen)

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Long-Context problem:

  • Concurrent performance degradation as context length increases.
  • Exponential growth in pre-fill latency with longer contexts.
  • Linear increases in decoding latency and context switching costs as context length grows.

Long-Content optimization Hardware:

  • A100 Memory Hierarchy - Leveraging the advanced memory architecture of the A100 GPU to improve performance for long-context models.

Long-Content optimization Machine Learning Engineering:

  • FlashAttention
    An efficient attention mechanism that reduces the computational and memory costs of attention for long sequences.

  • VLLM (Very Long Language Models)
    Specialized techniques to enable training and inference of language models with extremely long contexts.

Long-Content optimization Model Architecture:

  • MoE (Mixture of Experts)
    Using a modular model architecture with multiple specialized sub-networks to handle different aspects of long-context processing more efficiently.

  • Speculative Decoding
    Techniques to predict future tokens and start processing them in parallel, reducing overall latency for long-range dependencies.

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Background of Prefill & Decode:

  • Cost of LLM cluster inference:
  • Throughput * Hardware Utilization / Hardware Price

Impact of Prefill duration on throughput:

  • Prefill tasks occupy all computing resources, so Prefill-Prefill cannot be parallelized.
  • Decode tasks require very few computing resources and can be parallelized with Prefill tasks.

Separate Prefill & Decode, Cut 80% cost

  • introducing the DecodeOnly server.
  • Achieve Prefill-Decode separation by transmitting inference data over the network.
  • original architecture focuses on optimizing Prefill tasks.
  • Prefill no longer needs to store the KV Cache data (data is immediately sent to the Decode server upon generation).
  • Inference no longer requires large GPU memory support

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Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG):

  • A technique that enhances language models by integrating external knowledge retrieval to generate more informed and relevant responses.
  • RAG (includes: ETL, intention, retrieval)
  • Model Lifecycle Management (includes: model, dataset, entity)
  • Performance acceleration (includes: accelerate framework, quantization)
  • Infrastructure Operation (includes: customize chip, managed service)

RAG Workflow:

  • Data Preprocessing (ETL)
  • Knowledge extraction
  • Knowledge enhancement
  • Knowledge vectorization
  • Knowledge injection

LLM Orchestration:

  • Intention identification (intention)
  • knowledge retrieval(multi conversation rewrite)
  • Retrieval

Knowledge Enhancement:

  • QA document synthesize
  • Content summary
  • Content split
  • Keyword extraction


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Danny Chan, AWS community builder (Hong Kong), specialty of FSI and Serverless

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Kenny Chan, AWS community builder (Hong Kong), specialty of FSI and Machine Learning

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Kenn C


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Danny Chan

happy learning