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πŸͺ„ Put magic in your Notebook w/ Jupyter-AI

❔ About

I recently saw this tweet on my thread:

πŸ‘‰ Quite immediately I was excited to give it a try.

Sometimes, you may need to seamlessly call various AI inferences... so it may look like en embedded pair-programming that keeps your notebook clean, compact, smart and still highly understandable** so people (including yourself) can focus on the storytelling.

πŸͺ Teaser

This notebook is dedicated to a (not so) short jupyterlab/jupyter-ai unboxing so anyone can enjoy this kind of magic (and much much more):

%%ai gpt4 -f markdown
Write a haiku about Python.
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

.. and get the output in the next cell:

Python code so clean,
Logic flowing like a stream,
In data, we glean.
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

πŸ§™ Tricks you don't want to miss

... and many other cool tricks like:

🍿 Demo time

πŸ”– Resources

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adriens profile image

adriens profile image

Add Kaggle to supported platforms #577

❔ About

I discovered your tool thanks to a tweet and wanted to give it a try before to use it for some data-story-tellings. I use Kaggle for my blogs, and gave a (succcessful try. Si I thought it could be interesting to mention Kaggle as a supported platform.

πŸ‘‰ This PR adds Kaggle as a supported platform.

πŸ”– Resources

adriens profile image
adriens profile image