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Abderrahmane Mustapha
Abderrahmane Mustapha

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Build your own COVID 19 Tracker with Dash, plotly , python part-2 : add cities info

🤩full code on github🤩

🙄in the previous post! we talked about how to represent our data in a choropleth

🤠in this post, we talk about how can we add a sidebar which contains the city's data(total cases, recovered, deaths) for each country

Coding part 💻

now lets get and save the citys data add this lines of code to

### get countries data
        '', # API link
        'data', #field name
        'cities', #file name

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by running python our cities.csv file will look like this one below

0,Winterswijk,nl,51.977038,6.7454136,6,,,2020-05-19 21:01:51.948949+00:00
1,"Marion County, Tennessee",us,35.0928512,-85.64348700000001,33,1.0,,2020-05-19 21:00:19.712447+00:00
2,Juruá,br,-3.5811865,-66.4271499,3,0.0,,2020-05-19 21:02:48.021462+00:00
3,"Franklin County, Alabama",us,34.3967457,-87.6186379,344,4.0,,2020-05-19 21:00:19.712447+00:00
4,Capim Grosso,br,-11.3801768,-40.0068953,12,3.0,,2020-05-19 21:02:40.089219+00:00
5,Catende,br,-8.6679698,-35.7218229,17,6.0,,2020-05-19 21:02:40.738953+00:00
6,"Hale County, Alabama",us,32.7859102,-87.6186379,91,2.0,,2020-05-19 21:00:19.712447+00:00
7,Serra do Ramalho,br,-13.5413338,-43.5774778,3,0.0,,2020-05-19 21:02:58.150643+00:00
8,Cordeirópolis,br,-22.4818598,-47.4593897,29,0.0,,2020-05-19 21:02:41.588760+00:00
9,Lagoa Seca,br,-7.1549934,-35.8537249,10,1.0,,2020-05-19 21:02:48.193946+00:00
10,Ponta Porã,br,-22.523123,-55.7242526,6,0.0,,2020-05-19 21:02:53.805951+00:00
11,Tiaret,dz,35.3673553,1.3220322,148,148.0,9.0,2020-05-19 21:01:46.336022+00:00
12,Serra do Salitre,br,-19.110579,-46.6793595,1,0.0,,2020-05-19 21:02:58.158068+00:00
13,Serra,br,-20.1228954,-40.3054099,1381,82.0,,2020-05-19 21:02:58.164867+00:00
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👀now let's display this data on a sidebar like this one
create a COVID 19 tracker by toumi abderrahmane final result

the first thing that we need to do here is to create a function which is going to find a list of cities by country you can put this function on the file so now add this lines of code to the file

def search_country_csv(data,query):
    data = data.set_index('country_code')
    return data.loc[tuple([query]), :].reset_index()

def country(name="dz"):

    cities_list  = search_country_csv(open_csv('data/cities.csv'), name.lower())
    return cities_list.sort_values(by='confirmed', ascending=False)
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we have a list of cities sorted by confirmed cases😁

let's go to the file, create our list and add the data to it
first you should replace the the code from the last post by this one (the code start with app.layout = html.Div(children=[

# earth graph
app.layout = html.Div(children=[

        #earth graph
            figure = earth() ,
        'displayModeBar': False
        #end of earth graph

        #cities for each country

            className="col-md-3 row",
                #cities list
            html.H4(children="Algeria Citys", id="citys-title", className="col-12 text-center"),
                        #add info to the side bar
                        #order last
                        # data containers
                                html.Span(children=city['confirmed'], className="badge badge-warning"),
                            ],  className="ml-1 mr-1 d-flex flex-column align-items-center"),
                                html.Span(children=city['dead'], className="badge badge-danger"),
                                ],className="ml-1 mr-1 d-flex flex-column align-items-center"),
                                html.Span(children=city['recovered'], className="badge badge-success")
                            ],className="ml-1 mr-1 d-flex flex-column align-items-center"),
                        #end of data containers                    
                    ], className="d-flex flex-row justify-content-between align-items-center")
                ], className="list-group-item d-flex flex-column justify-content-center align-items-center") for _ , city in country().iterrows()] # the country function get data from csv for a specific country , here we loop over the cities and create a rows of all the citys each row contains the number of confirmed , deaths and recovered cases  and the name of the city of course

                ,className="list-group", id="cities-data")
                #end of cities list
        # end of cities for each country

    ], className="row")  , 
     # end of earth graph  
], className="container-fluid")
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in order to make things work perfectly, we need to add bootstrap in the top of file so here is how we can do this

external_stylesheets = [
        'href': '',
        'rel': 'stylesheet',
        'integrity': 'key here', # add the key here
        'crossorigin': 'anonymous'
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and do not forget to import the function in the that we created to extract cities from the CSV file, add these lines of code in the of file

from data import earth_data,country_data, country

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🌎🌏last this that we need to do is to update the sidebar when we click on a specific country on the map, to do that let's add a callback, check this if you want to know more about flask callbacks

here is the code that you need to add

################# CALL BACKS °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°

#update sidbar onclick

#side bar call back start
    Output('cities-data', 'children'),
    [Input('earth-graph', 'clickData')])
def display_hover_data(clickData):
    name = clickData['points'][0]['customdata'][0] #get country name
    return  [html.Li(children=[
             #add info to the side bar
              #order last

                    # data containers
                        html.P(children="Total", className="small-text"),
                        html.Span(children=city['confirmed'], className="badge badge-warning"),
                    ],className="ml-1 mr-1 d-flex flex-column align-items-center" ),
                        html.P(children="Deaths", className="small-text"),
                        html.Span(children=city['dead'], className="badge badge-danger"),
                        ],className="ml-1 mr-1 d-flex flex-column align-items-center"),
                        html.P(children="Recovered", className="small-text"), 
                        html.Span(children=city['recovered'], className="badge badge-success")
                    ],className="ml-1 mr-1 d-flex flex-column align-items-center"),
                    #end of data containers

                ], className="d-flex flex-row justify-content-between align-items-center")

            ], className="list-group-item d-flex flex-column justify-content-center align-items-center") for _ , city in country(name).iterrows()]
#side bar call back end

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finally, this is just a simple application to share what I learned about python dash framework

in the end run

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and you will see this
create a COVID 19 tracker by toumi abderrahmane final result

For further exploration

im using csv files to store my data if you want something better check omniscidb

if you have some problems with this you can check the full code on github

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