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Abderrahmane Mustapha
Abderrahmane Mustapha

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A python website no framework needed part 2

Its the second and the last part of how you can make a website with python using no framework
, the purpose of these two articles is to show to the new developers that its possible to create a website with python without using a framework or any other PyPI package

Show the code

First, we need to separate the views, templates, and logic,
we will have the following folder structure :

--- mainFolder
--------- views
--------- templates
----------- index.html
--------- utils
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let's start with the file where we are going to write the code to render the HTML templates

# mainFolder/utils/
def render(path):
    with open(path, "r") as f:
        return  template.encode("utf-8")
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import the render method in the

 from .render import render
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now let's move to the HTML template add this code to it

<!--  mainFolder/templates/index.html -->

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
      <h1>Home page</h1>
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ut
        pellentesque sapien. Donec id pellentesque sem. Praesent vel urna vitae
        odio hendrerit malesuada et nec enim. Nulla risus dui,
      <form action="/" method="POST">
        <input type="text" name="text" value="azaze" />
        <button type="submit">Submit</button>
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let's add a view now

# mainFolder/views/
from utils import render
def index(environ):
    return render("templates/index.html")
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import the index in file of the views folder

# mainFolder/views/
from .index import index
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last step lets move our main file to where im going to send responses to the client-side and handle post requests

from views import index

def app(environ, start_response):
        data = index(environ)
        if environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST":
            print("inputs ----------------- ", environ['wsgi.input'].read())
        start_response("200 OK", [
            ("Content-Type", "text/html"),
            ("Content-Length", str(len(data)))
        return iter([data])

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from gevent.pywsgi import WSGIServer
    WSGIServer(('', 8000),app, spawn=None).serve_forever()
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you can run

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you will see an HTML template with a header, input form, and a submit button

add a text to the input hit the submit button and check the console you will see your text

inputs -----------------  b'text=azaze'
::1 - - [2020-10-02 13:06:19] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 777 0.003350
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For Further Exploration

Do it your self framework

WSGI handle post request

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By Toumi abderrahmane twitter . github

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