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Yukendran kamaraj
Yukendran kamaraj

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Testing Techniques

1.Boundary Value Analysis.
Its based on testing the boundary values of valid and invalid partition's,the behaviour at the edge of the equivalence partition is more likely to be incorrect than the behaviour within the partition,So boundaries are an area where testing is likely to yield defect's,

It checks for the input values near the boundary that have a higher chance of error,Every partition has its minimum & maximum values,and these minimum & maximum values are the boundary values of a partition.

2.Decision Table Testing.
Decision table testing is a software testing technique used to test system behavior for different input combination and their corresponding system behavior( Output ) are captured in a tabular form & its also called as cause-effect table where cause and effects are captured for better test coverage

3.Use Case Testing.
Use case is a list of action taken by actor while interacting the system to achieve a goal,Here actor can be anyone either human user's or any other external system,Basically it is a technique that helps to identify test cases that cover the entire system,on transaction by transaction basis,from start to finish.

4.LCSAJ Testing.

It stands for Linear Code Sequence & Jump,its a white box testing methodology used to determine the code coverage i.e what percentage of the code is executed with the existing test cases,It helps in designing new test cases which can increase the coverage of the code under test.

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