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Vijaykumar Ponnusamy
Vijaykumar Ponnusamy

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Outbox design pattern

When working with microservices architecture, a common use case involves ensuring consistency between databases and messaging systems. This often arises when you need to both update a database and publish an event, or vice versa. For instance, you might want to write data to a database and simultaneously notify other services by publishing an event.

While two-phase commit (2PC) can be used to maintain consistency across multiple systems within a single database, it's not suitable for ensuring consistency between a database and a messaging system.

Another challenge in microservices architectures is maintaining event order when your application is distributed across multiple pods. Ensuring that events are processed in the correct sequence can be difficult, especially when dealing with distributed systems.

The outbox design pattern offers a practical solution to these challenges.

What is the outbox design pattern?

The outbox design pattern decouples database updates from message publication. To implement this pattern, a new table, known as the outbox table, is introduced to store events awaiting delivery to a message broker. When a service needs to update its database and publish a corresponding event, it creates a local transaction to modify both the main table and the outbox table


CustomerService: This represents the microservice responsible for handling customer data. It interacts with both the Customer table in the Customer DB and the CustomerOutbox table.

Customer DB: This is the database where the main customer data is stored. It contains the Customer table.

CustomerOutbox: This is the outbox table, a dedicated table for storing messages that need to be published to a message broker. It serves as a temporary holding area for events that have been created but not yet delivered.

Outbox Scheduler: This is a component responsible for periodically scanning the CustomerOutbox table and delivering pending messages to the message broker. It acts as a background task or service.

Broker: This represents the message broker, such as Kafka or RabbitMQ, where the published events are sent. It receives messages from the Outbox Scheduler.


Data Consistency: Ensures that database updates and message publication are atomic, preventing inconsistencies.
Reliability: Reduces the risk of message loss due to failures in the messaging system.
Decoupling: Separates message production from delivery, improving system resilience.
Flexibility: Allows for different message delivery mechanisms without affecting the core business logic.


Increased Complexity: Introducing an additional table and a dedicated process can make your system more complex to manage and understand.
Potential Performance Overhead: The outbox table and message delivery process can introduce overhead, especially in high-traffic scenarios.
Scalability Challenges: As the volume of messages increases, the outbox table and message delivery process may become bottlenecks.

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