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Simple Dark-Light theme with VanillaJs

Dark mode designs and functionality that enable to toggle between Dark and Light theme is trending UI/UX Design๐Ÿ”ฅ. So, here's the guide to create Simple dark-light toggle.
I wanted this to be simple so I didn't create any fancy toggle switch just use simple button.
Codepen at end.๐Ÿค–

Let's Start with HTML

I'm using list for navbar elements, so
<li class="nav-item" id="toggle">๐ŸŒž</li>

and we are done with HTML. let's do CSS


// by default dark theme

:root {
    --bg-color: #171923;
    --bg-light: #232535;
    --font-color: #c5cddb;
    --font-light: #ffffff;

// light theme colors

.lightMode {
  --bg-color: #E8E6DC;
  --bg-light: #DCDACA;
  --font-color: #3D3D3D;
  --font-light: #202020;
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lightMode is class which would be added to body using js.

Final Part - Javascript

const toggle = document.querySelector("#toggle");
toggle.addEventListener("click", modeSwitch);

let isLight = true;

function modeSwitch() {
  isLight = !isLight;
  isLight ? toggle.innerText = "๐ŸŒž" : toggle.innerText = "๐ŸŒš";
  var rootElement = document.body;
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What is toggle?

  • toggle is method of DOMTokenList() interface.
  • It remove token from token list and return false.
  • If token doesn't exist, then it add token and return true.

What is happening?

When we click on toggle button, event listener respond to it and call modeSwitch() function. In modeSwitch() function, class lightMode is added to body activating lightMode color schema.

Contribution @casiimir

There are different ways to crate dark-light mode toggle. This one simple way I found out to explain how it work.
Love to here your suggestions and feedback๐Ÿคฉ.

Top comments (17)

casiimir profile image
casiimir • Edited

Nice done, I love it!
Can I suggest three more lines of javascript? :D

let isLight = true;

function modeSwitch() {
  isLight = !isLight;
  isLight ? toggle.innerText = "๐ŸŒž" : toggle.innerText = "๐ŸŒš";
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
sshymko profile image
Sergii Shymko • Edited

The ternary expression can be simplified to the following:

toggle.innerText = isLight ? "๐ŸŒž" : "๐ŸŒš"
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vaishnavs profile image

Hey. I updated pen according to your suggestions. Thanks ๐Ÿคฉ.

casiimir profile image
casiimir • Edited

Really? I'm honored! :D

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vaishnavs profile image
Vaishnav • Edited

Yep. I'm still learning and I love to share what learned hoping it would be helpful for someone.๐Ÿ˜„

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casiimir profile image

Me too, same story!
Nice website, I like it. Do you like something about my repos? :D

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vaishnavs profile image

I checked repos... You have awesome portfolio ๐Ÿ”ฅ.

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casiimir profile image

I really appreciate it! :D

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden • Edited

Great nice and lightweight.

braydentw profile image
Brayden W โšก๏ธ

Nice! Iโ€™ll try using this in my next project ;D

cchunduri profile image
Chaitanya Chunduri

How do we put animation like the thumbnail of this post??

vaishnavs profile image
Vaishnav • Edited

Here codepen you can refer.

Toggle switch can be customised using CSS

cchunduri profile image
Chaitanya Chunduri

Thank you very much

roileo profile image

Be aware that internet explorer doesn't support css variables

vaishnavs profile image

Hey Thanks, I didn't know about it.

yeich profile image
Yannick Eich

Great job!

altamas2049 profile image
Altamas Khan

nice! In future i am going to use this.