DEV Community

Brayden W ⚡️ profile picture

Brayden W ⚡️

Developer 💻 • Designer 🎨 • Freelancer 💪🏼 • Creator 💭


Frontend Developer/Designer

Four Year Club
Writing Debut
Three Year Club
1 Week Community Wellness Streak
Two Year Club
One Year Club
Hacktoberfest 2020
4 Week Writing Streak
Finished my NextJS tailwindcss portfolio!! 💎

Finished my NextJS tailwindcss portfolio!! 💎

Comments 32
1 min read

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I built a NextJS/Tailwind portfolio template for you to use!

I built a NextJS/Tailwind portfolio template for you to use!

1 min read
Learning Rust 🦀 and making a Magic 8 Ball program!

Learning Rust 🦀 and making a Magic 8 Ball program!

Comments 2
1 min read
Learned Python 🐍 basics in 24 hours and created my first game!

Learned Python 🐍 basics in 24 hours and created my first game!

1 min read
💬 - What's the COOLEST Vim plugin?

💬 - What's the COOLEST Vim plugin?

Comments 10
1 min read
Developers. Choosing which language/framework/technology to learn is tough. I'm going to change that. 😉

Developers. Choosing which language/framework/technology to learn is tough. I'm going to change that. 😉

Comments 4
3 min read
How do I add cool 3D objects/animations to my website? 🤩

How do I add cool 3D objects/animations to my website? 🤩

Comments 7
1 min read
What obstacles are you facing with your Open Source project? 🥵

What obstacles are you facing with your Open Source project? 🥵

Comments 4
1 min read
What stinks about programming? 😖

What stinks about programming? 😖

Comments 14
1 min read
I made a simple CLI that generates a vanilla HTML project. What do you think?

I made a simple CLI that generates a vanilla HTML project. What do you think?

Comments 18
1 min read
How do I make a scrolling animation like this?

How do I make a scrolling animation like this?

Comments 10
1 min read
Is programming hard?

Is programming hard?

1 min read
🚀 Live on Buy Me a Coffee. Any tips?

🚀 Live on Buy Me a Coffee. Any tips?

1 min read
Does anyone know of a good ReactJS + Tailwind boilerplate?

Does anyone know of a good ReactJS + Tailwind boilerplate?

Comments 9
1 min read
Open Source: 1st week done and I'm loving it! 🥰

Open Source: 1st week done and I'm loving it! 🥰

Comments 4
2 min read
30 Stars ✨ on my Github repository in 1 week!

30 Stars ✨ on my Github repository in 1 week!

Comments 4
1 min read
I learned some React in a week and made an emoji-searcher tool 😀🎉👏

I learned some React in a week and made an emoji-searcher tool 😀🎉👏

Comments 27
1 min read
I learned React Hooks and now I'm the happiest dev on the planet! 🌎

I learned React Hooks and now I'm the happiest dev on the planet! 🌎

Comments 5
1 min read
🙄 I'm dropping my side project - here's why.

🙄 I'm dropping my side project - here's why.

1 min read
The truth hurts... 😬

The truth hurts... 😬

Comments 3
1 min read
I polled 350+ developers on what Frontend framework they 💗

I polled 350+ developers on what Frontend framework they 💗

Comments 8
2 min read