Setting state in react has always been a tricky thing. There are many ways to do it, but most of them are anti-patterns, whereas only a few ways are correct and best practice.
Let's take a look at how to correctly set a react state in the scenarios of different data types.
Let's skip strings since those are trivial.
Ignoring the case where we simply replace the number, updating a number state should be performed like this
setNumber(prev => prev + 1) //same for minus, multiple, divide, etc
Object states are set by using the spread syntax:
setUser(prev => {
newKey: newValue,
updateKey: updateValue
Array states are set by "creating" a new array inside the setState and simply inserting the new element after the previous state of the array.
setFruits(prev => [...prev, 'apple'])
setFruits(prev => [...prev, {name: 'Apple', price: 5}])
Setting states for different data types can get tricky, by using the best practices, always using the previous value, we can update the state using the proper methods.
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