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Paulo GP
Paulo GP

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Python: Interacting with Users and Handling Sensitive Information


In this chapter, we'll cover how to use the input() function and the getpass library in Python to interact with users and handle sensitive information, with examples from the field of mathematics.

The input() Function

The input() function is a built-in function in Python that allows you to prompt the user for input and read a line of text from the standard input. Here's an example of how to use the input() function in Python:

mathematician = input("Which mathematician would you like to learn more about? ")
print(f"Fetching information about {mathematician}...")
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In this example, we use the input() function to prompt the user for the name of a mathematician. The input() function takes a string argument, which is the prompt to display to the user. The function then reads a line of text from the standard input and returns it as a string. In this case, we store the user's input in the mathematician variable and then use it to print a message.

The getpass Library

While the input() function is useful for getting input from the user, it has one major limitation: the user's input is displayed on the screen as they type it. This can be a problem if you're asking the user for sensitive information, such as a password.

To handle sensitive information, you can use the getpass library in Python. The getpass library provides a getpass() function that works similarly to the input() function but with one key difference: the user's input is not displayed on the screen as they type it. Here's an example of how to use the getpass() function in Python:

import getpass

password = getpass.getpass("Enter your password to access the math database: ")
print(f"Accessing math database with password {password}...")
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In this example, we use the getpass() function from the getpass library to prompt the user for their password to access a math database. The getpass() function takes a string argument, which is the prompt to display to the user. The function then reads a line of text from the standard input but does not display the user's input on the screen. In this case, we store the user's input in the password variable and then use it to print a message.


The input() function and the getpass library are useful tools for interacting with users and handling sensitive information in Python. By understanding how to use these tools, you can write more powerful and secure programs. With the ability to prompt users for input and handle sensitive information, you can create interactive and engaging experiences, unlocking new possibilities and insights.

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