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Vaibhav Dwivedi
Vaibhav Dwivedi

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Building Alerts in iOS 18 - #30DaysOfSwift

Day 16: Alerts – Designing Native Alerts in SwiftUI 🚨

Today, we’ll focus on using the native alert options available in SwiftUI.

SwiftUI provides a straightforward way to display alerts like this:

Image description

Why Use Native Alerts?

  • Simplicity: SwiftUI’s native alerts are easy to implement and require minimal code.
  • System Integration: They provide a familiar look and feel, ensuring consistency across iOS applications.
  • Accessibility: Native alerts come with built-in accessibility support, making your app more user-friendly.

Code Example: Creating a Native Alert

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var showAlert = false // State variable to control alert visibility

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Button("Show Alert") {
                showAlert.toggle() // Toggle alert visibility
            .alert(isPresented: $showAlert) { // Present the alert when showAlert is true
                    title: Text("Alert Title"), // Title of the alert
                    message: Text("This is an alert message."), // Message to display
                    primaryButton: .default(Text("Confirm")) {
                        // Action to perform on Confirm
                    secondaryButton: .cancel() // Action to perform on Cancel
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Try implementing native alerts in your app to manage user interactions effectively!

The full series is available on my profile and the components can also be found at

Happy Coding! 🎉

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